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Life and non-life insurance companies, 3nd. quarter 2008
2 Life insurance companies. Balance sheet by financial instrument. NOK Million
30.09.2007 31.12.2007* 31.03.2008* 30.06.2008* 30.09.2008*
Assets 1   
Intangible assets 1 175 1 204 1 396 1 354 1 615
Goodwill . . . . .
Deferred tax asset 380 488 503 426 523
Other intangible assets 795 716 893 928 1 092
Tangible fixed assets 21 254 22 545 21 721 19 799 16 923
Land and buildings 20 998 22 297 21 558 19 601 16 795
Machinery, equipment and vehicles 257 248 163 198 127
Capital investments 611 437 637 887 633 991 645 890 632 726
Investments in subsiduaries 61 615 75 435 80 831 78 685 80 209
Shares in ltd. and gen. partnerships 0 0 1 225 . 65
Shares 100 061 87 937 76 590 79 724 54 009
Primary capital certificates . . . . 1
Shares in securities funds 129 482 161 321 126 808 140 096 130 309
Bonds 298 787 292 727 301 795 306 350 322 374
Certificates 16 146 17 999 27 348 23 249 24 621
Financial derivatives 4 232 1 693 7 464 5 509 7 981
Other capital investments 1 114 776 11 930 12 277 13 157
Loans utilizied 19 844 28 068 31 169 33 123 37 370
Gross loans 19 844 28 068 31 169 33 123 37 370
Specified provisions on loans . . . . .
Unspecified provisions on loans . . . . .
Other claims 29 105 19 159 12 934 16 578 23 382
Earned not yet paid revenues 8 091 7 351 135 111 93
Prepaid expenses 512 386 115 42 96
Insurance claims 12 080 3 534 3 550 10 078 16 203
Deposits with ceding undertakings . . 241 350 383
Other claims 8 423 7 888 8 893 5 996 6 606
Cash and bank deposits 39 877 35 588 39 182 29 451 22 275
The Central Bank of Norway 0 0 . . .
Banks 29 298 29 531 28 807 23 920 15 886
Foreign banks 10 578 6 056 10 375 5 531 6 389
Total assets 722 692 744 451 740 393 746 196 734 290
Liabilities and equity capital 1   
Equity capital 35 367 39 020 39 338 38 537 26 428
Deposit capital 13 139 22 039 22 193 22 737 23 072
Share capital 4 559 5 200 5 350 5 800 5 800
Primary capital . . . . .
Share premiumreserve 3 961 12 221 12 226 12 226 12 226
Other deposit capital 4 618 4 618 4 617 4 711 5 045
Retained earnings 22 228 16 981 15 770 14 964 2 585
Other equity 13 151 16 778 17 881 17 866 17 919
Not allocated profit 9 077 203 -2 111 -2 903 -15 333
Subordinated liabilities 9 547 14 305 14 647 17 597 14 904
Bonds 6 766 4 053 4 150 5 460 5 912
Other subordinated loans 2 781 10 252 10 497 12 137 8 992
Revaluation reserve 22 826 18 300 2 392 1 801 59
Technical provisions 639 366 653 156 660 788 662 362 664 136
Life assurance provision 639 366 653 156 660 788 662 362 664 136
Premium reserve 591 976 596 201 610 243 610 376 617 051
Additional provisions 20 250 23 513 24 541 24 291 24 270
Premium provision 14 872 15 798 18 368 19 761 16 902
Pension provisions 76 100 483 1 833 952
Fund for deposits 117 134 .. .. ..
Net provision for outstanding claims 2 823 2 996 3 203 3 312 3 391
Not allocated technical provision 7 187 6 541 .. .. ..
Net other technical provisions 9 369 14 547 3 949 2 788 1 570
Equalization provision 751 6 499 .. .. ..
Net tehcnical provisions where the risk is borne by the policyholder 45 930 46 635 46 813 58 648 ..
Provisions for other charges 738 2 347 1 702 1 712 1 686
Provisions for pensions . . 1 010 1 036 1 037
Deffered tax 315 1 381 644 644 649
Other provisions for charges 422 966 48 32 .
Other liabilities 14 849 17 324 21 525 24 187 27 076
Loans . . . . .
Expences accrued 1 067 1 052 2 111 2 933 1 180
Deffered income 344 464 873 638 775
Payable tax 30 35 531 593 544
Dividend -12 2 058 1 152 . .
Insurance liabilities 807 3 132 3 360 6 933 2 415
Deposits from reassurance companies . . . . .
Other liabilities 12 614 10 584 13 498 13 090 22 162
Total liabilities 722 692 744 451 740 393 746 196 734 290
Number of companies 19 19 20 20 20
Loan with mortgage on dwelling 9 142 9 390 9 954 10 579 11 044

1Major change in acconting from 2008, all numbers are not comparable
