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Life and non-life insurance companies, 3nd. quarter 2008
8 Non-life insurance companies. Balance sheet by financial instrument. NOK Million
30.09.2007 31.12.2007* 31.03.2008* 30.06.2008* 30.09.2008*
Assets 1   
Intangible assets 5 633 5 578 5 193 5 232 5 230
Goodwill . . 3 170 3 097 3 044
Deferred tax asset 1 934 1 941 1 495 1 574 1 608
Other intangible assets 3 699 3 637 527 562 577
Tangible fixed assets 4 175 4 628 4 010 3 709 3 584
Land and buildings 3 648 4 067 3 512 3 208 3 110
Machinery, equipment and vehicles 527 561 498 501 474
Capital investments 97 983 95 759 96 954 96 322 98 443
Investments in subsiduaries 10 099 10 233 10 335 11 688 14 156
Shares in ltd. and gen. partnerships 88 83 145 186 140
Shares 16 273 14 022 9 499 10 059 6 088
Primary capital certificates 57 67 63 37 30
Shares in securities funds 15 879 16 688 16 587 16 429 15 511
Bonds 44 854 44 969 43 003 43 915 46 293
Certificates 9 538 9 131 16 498 12 688 14 856
Financial derivatives 978 356 185 132 240
Other capital investments 216 211 638 1 189 1 129
Loans utilizied 1 237 998 1 168 846 2 740
Gross loans 1 244 1 008 1 168 846 2 740
Specified provisions on loans -7 -10 . . .
Unspecified provisions on loans -0 -0 . . .
Other claims 52 635 52 436 56 814 57 357 55 867
Earned not yet paid revenues 1 683 914 736 528 704
Prepaid expenses 710 624 341 776 662
Insurance claims 11 683 10 898 14 495 15 830 13 547
Reinsurers`s share of technical provisions2 15 089 14 553 14 948 15 225 15 233
Other claims 23 469 25 449 26 293 24 997 25 721
Cash and bank deposits 6 104 7 423 7 379 8 211 6 564
The Central Bank of Norway 1 1 1 1 1
Banks 5 552 6 916 6 398 7 613 5 759
Foreign banks 551 506 981 598 804
Total assets 167 766 166 822 171 517 171 677 172 428
Liabilities and equity capital 1   
Equity capital 31 600 30 542 38 799 39 023 40 135
Deposit capital 6 131 5 823 10 041 9 383 10 973
Share capital 1 690 1 707 1 851 1 918 2 633
Primary capital 19 19 3 879 3 879 3 860
Share premiumreserve 827 1 042 1 047 807 808
Other deposit capital 3 595 3 055 3 264 2 779 3 672
Retained earnings 25 469 24 719 28 758 29 640 29 163
Revaluation reserve 89 102 10 659 11 930 12 614
Other equity 21 630 22 879 17 946 16 511 15 148
Not allocated profit 3 750 1 738 153 1 199 1 400
Subordinated liabilities 107 129 129 129 118
Bonds . . . . .
Other subordinated loans 107 129 129 129 118
Technical provisions 123 842 123 979 117 928 120 236 118 509
Gross provision for unearned premium3 22 412 20 077 25 398 26 041 22 945
Gross provision for outstanding claims3 66 735 67 251 67 430 67 648 69 597
Gross provision for bonuses and rebates3 70 80 88 88 84
Equalization provision 34 340 36 281 24 407 25 840 25 282
Provision for not discharges risk 679 288 25 22 7
Equalization provision 21 879 23 996 24 382 25 818 25 275
Reinsurance provision4 . . . . .
Administrative provision 5 2 588 2 682 . . .
Naturedamage provision 7 952 8 064 . . .
Guarantee provision 1 241 1 251 . . .
Gross other technical provisions3 287 290 605 620 601
Provisions for other charges 2 568 2 818 3 364 3 396 3 414
Provisions for pensions . . 1 805 1 843 1 844
Deffered tax 51 74 839 832 951
Other provisions for charges 2 517 2 744 720 721 619
Other liabilities 9 649 9 354 11 297 8 893 10 251
Loans . . . . .
Expences accrued 774 881 535 724 752
Deffered income 85 12 124 154 155
Payable tax 1 848 776 1 051 1 122 1 436
Dividend 1 210 737 676 211
Insurance liabilities 2 217 2 484 3 124 2 642 2 507
Other liabilities 4 723 4 992 5 725 3 575 5 191
Total liabilities 167 766 166 822 171 517 171 677 172 428
Number of companies 96 96 97 98 102
Loan with mortgage on dwelling 343 350 343 360 369

1Major change in acconting from 2008, all numbers are not comparable
2From 2nd quarter 2007 reinsurers`s share of technical provisions is considerd part of assets
3Gross numbers fom 2nd quarter 2007.
4From 2nd quarter 2007 the reinsurers provision is invalid
5From 2008 administrative, naturedamage and guarantee provisions are included in the equity capital
