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Life and non-life insurance companies, 1st quarter 2009
1 Life insurance companies. Profit and loss account. NOK Million
31.03.2008 30.06.2008* 30.09.2008* 31.12.2008* 31.03.2009*
Earned premiums, net of reinsurance 25 579 38 713 63 799 79 780 24 520
Gross premiums written 18 719 29 515 52 974 68 056 19 702
- Reinsurers share of gross premiums written -131 -286 -313 -624 -142
- Reinsurers share of investment income . . . . .
Transfer of premiumreserve from other companies 6 992 9 484 11 138 12 348 4 960
Claims incurred, net of reinsurance 19 164 34 397 50 442 65 640 14 061
Gross claim payment 13 571 27 882 42 197 55 538 9 319
Reinsurers share of gross claim payments 15 -38 -46 -312 -31
Net change in the provision for outstanding claims 48 84 163 790 105
Transfer of premiumreserve etc. to other companies 5 529 6 468 8 128 9 623 4 668
Net change in technical provisions -7 078 -6 971 -4 077 -10 787 12 500
Premiumreserve 6 698 8 205 17 392 15 215 11 973
Not allocated technical provisions 2 021 1 032 -2 891 2 693 124
Other technical provisions -15 797 -16 208 -18 578 -28 695 402
Investment income (+)/charges (-) 7 521 14 045 19 343 27 420 5 821
Interest income 7 870 13 576 19 005 25 232 6 777
Bonds and certificates 5 654 10 155 14 107 17 807 4 994
Other assets 2 216 3 421 4 897 7 424 1 783
Interest charges 463 747 1 283 1 769 4 352
Share dividend etc. 114 1 216 1 621 3 957 3 396
Gains/losses, value (re-)adjustments on financial assets -22 506 -25 645 -46 750 -50 567 -4 498
Gains (+)/losses (-) -507 5 -2 200 -13 687 2 701
Shares, participations and primary capital certificates 1 045 643 -1 140 -11 979 -3 237
Bonds and certificates 4 -441 220 260 -774
Currency and financial derivatives -1 608 -225 -1 313 -1 947 6 575
Land and buildings 51 29 34 -22 136
Net change in value 1 -21 999 -25 650 -44 550 -36 880 -7 199
Shares, participations and primary capital certificates -19 770 -18 151 -37 236 -35 191 -4 540
Bonds and certificates -606 -2 818 -791 11 010 -3 449
Currency and financial derivatives -1 465 -3 520 -4 992 -10 126 1 253
Land and buildings -157 -1 162 -1 532 -2 573 -463
Value re-adjustments (+)/adjustments (-) . . . . .
Other operating income (+)/expenses (-) -299 -1 581 -2 028 -3 951 -827
Personnel costs 743 1 494 2 190 2 987 768
Commisions received (+)/submitted (-) -162 -304 -425 -650 -151
Operating income (+)/costs (-) from real property 913 1 183 2 041 2 349 524
Depreciations of non-financial assets 42 93 144 619 51
Value adjustments (-)/re-adjustments (+) of non-financial assets . . . 0 .
Other operating income (+)/expenses (-) -264 -873 -1 309 -2 044 -381
To/from revaluation reserve -15 503 -15 996 -17 739 -17 492 -304
Profit/loss on ordinary activities -1 790 -1 894 -12 001 -2 171 -1 544
Extraordinary income (+)/charges (-) -2 . . 44 -13
Tax -13 70 -71 529 148
Profit/loss -1 775 -1 964 -11 930 -2 744 -1 678
Balance on the technical account for life insurance -8 285 -7 958 -14 597 -9 743 11 421

1Before 2008 the variable was called Unrealized gains (+)/losses (-)
