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Life and non-life insurance companies, 1st quarter 2009
2 Life insurance companies. Balance sheet by financial instrument. NOK Million
31.03.2008 30.06.2008* 30.09.2008* 31.12.2008* 31.03.2009*
Assets 1   
Intangible assets 1 396 1 354 1 615 787 840
Goodwill . . . . 37
Deferred tax asset 503 426 523 12 22
Other intangible assets 893 928 1 092 774 780
Tangible fixed assets 21 721 19 799 16 923 12 256 8 376
Land and buildings 21 558 19 601 16 795 12 115 8 238
Machinery, equipment and vehicles 163 198 127 140 138
Capital investments 623 929 636 123 621 487 636 072 644 051
Investments in subsiduaries 80 831 78 685 80 209 55 962 60 026
Shares in ltd. and gen. partnerships 1 225 . 65 701 822
Shares 76 590 79 724 54 009 55 043 52 537
Primary capital certificates . . 1 1 .
Shares in securities funds 126 808 140 096 130 309 120 439 111 273
Bonds 301 795 306 350 322 374 350 991 366 627
Certificates 27 348 23 249 24 621 37 470 42 072
Financial derivatives 7 464 5 509 7 981 14 858 10 142
Other capital investments 1 868 2 509 1 918 606 551
Loans utilizied 31 169 33 123 37 370 46 693 44 188
Gross loans 31 169 33 123 37 370 46 693 44 188
Specified provisions on loans . . . . .
Unspecified provisions on loans . . . . .
Other claims 12 934 16 578 23 382 6 994 7 668
Earned not yet paid revenues 135 111 93 142 86
Prepaid expenses 115 42 96 68 128
Insurance claims 3 550 10 078 16 203 3 702 3 643
Deposits with ceding undertakings 241 350 383 418 476
Other claims 8 893 5 996 6 606 2 664 3 335
Cash and bank deposits 49 243 39 218 33 514 36 944 32 499
The Central Bank of Norway . . . . .
Banks 38 504 29 164 21 172 29 692 29 002
Foreign banks 10 739 10 054 12 342 7 252 3 497
Total assets 740 393 746 196 734 290 739 744 737 622
Liabilities and equity capital 1   
Equity capital 39 338 38 537 26 428 40 506 39 025
Deposit capital 22 197 22 740 23 075 24 994 24 565
Share capital 5 350 5 800 5 800 6 869 6 909
Primary capital . . . . .
Share premiumreserve 12 226 12 226 12 226 12 613 12 632
Other deposit capital 4 621 4 714 5 049 5 513 5 023
Retained earnings 15 768 14 962 2 584 14 653 13 600
Other equity 17 879 17 865 17 917 14 318 15 197
Not allocated profit -2 111 -2 903 -15 333 334 -1 597
Subordinated liabilities 14 647 17 597 14 904 18 420 17 581
Bonds 4 150 5 460 5 912 7 135 6 680
Other subordinated loans 10 497 12 137 8 992 11 285 10 901
Revaluation reserve 2 392 1 801 59 304 .
Technical provisions 660 788 662 362 664 136 651 603 661 908
Life assurance provision 660 788 662 362 664 136 651 603 661 908
Premium reserve 610 243 610 376 617 051 616 452 628 530
Additional provisions 24 541 24 291 24 270 13 312 13 113
Premium provision 18 368 19 761 16 902 15 962 13 842
Pension provisions 483 1 833 952 211 215
Fund for deposits .. .. .. .. ..
Net provision for outstanding claims 3 203 3 312 3 391 4 163 4 292
Not allocated technical provision .. .. .. .. ..
Net other technical provisions 3 949 2 788 1 570 1 502 1 916
Equalization provision .. .. .. .. ..
Net tehcnical provisions where the risk is borne by the policyholder 46 813 58 648 .. .. ..
Provisions for other charges 1 702 1 712 1 686 1 975 1 928
Provisions for pensions 1 010 1 036 1 037 1 269 1 242
Deffered tax 644 644 649 647 649
Other provisions for charges 48 32 . 59 37
Other liabilities 21 525 24 187 27 076 26 937 17 180
Loans . . . . .
Expences accrued 2 111 2 933 1 180 1 031 892
Deffered income 873 638 775 581 238
Payable tax 531 593 544 610 715
Dividend 1 152 . . . .
Insurance liabilities 3 360 6 933 2 415 2 022 2 429
Deposits from reassurance companies . . . . .
Other liabilities 13 498 13 090 22 162 22 693 12 906
Total liabilities 740 393 746 196 734 290 739 744 737 622
Number of companies 20 20 20 20 21
Loan with mortgage on dwelling 9 954 10 579 11 044 11 419 11 946

1Major change in acconting from 2008, all numbers are not comparable
