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Life and non-life insurance companies, 3rd quarter 2009
2 Life insurance companies. Balance sheet by financial instrument. NOK Million
30.09.2008 31.12.2008* 31.03.2009* 30.06.2009* 30.09.2009*
Intangible assets 1 615 787 840 894 902
Tangible fixed assets 16 923 12 293 6 215 6 203 6 059
Land and buildings 16 795 12 115 6 077 6 055 5 857
Machinery, equipment and vehicles 127 178 138 148 202
Capital investments 621 232 638 069 649 912 669 120 667 629
Shares, participations and primary capital certificates 134 284 111 703 115 546 122 993 121 172
Shares in securities funds 130 309 119 112 111 273 126 145 132 061
Bonds and certificates 346 994 388 461 408 700 412 010 404 594
Financial derivatives 7 981 14 858 10 142 6 092 8 073
Other capital investments 1 663 3 934 4 251 1 880 1 730
Loans 37 370 46 693 44 528 49 361 65 650
Remaining claims 23 636 6 965 7 780 5 692 14 786
Insurance claims 16 203 3 704 3 552 2 449 9 946
Deposits with ceding undertakings 383 425 476 474 507
Other claims 7 050 2 835 3 752 2 769 4 333
Cash and bank deposits 33 514 33 270 29 074 21 019 21 392
Total assets 734 290 738 077 738 349 752 291 776 418
Liabilities and equity capital   
Equity capital 26 428 40 202 38 640 41 717 43 383
Deposit capital 23 075 24 691 24 246 24 650 24 626
Company capital 5 800 6 869 6 909 6 909 6 909
Share premium account 12 226 12 613 12 632 12 632 12 632
Other deposit capital 5 049 5 209 4 705 5 109 5 084
Retained earnings 3 353 15 512 14 394 17 066 18 757
Other equity 18 687 15 177 16 058 15 831 15 825
Not allocated profit -15 333 334 -1 664 1 235 2 932
Subordinated liabilities 14 904 18 420 17 581 15 865 15 508
Bonds 5 912 7 135 6 680 6 421 6 209
Other subordinated loans 8 992 11 285 10 901 9 444 9 299
Technical provisions 664 195 650 582 661 885 676 467 699 510
Premium reserve 617 051 615 914 628 507 639 626 659 424
Additional provisions 24 270 13 312 13 113 13 266 13 273
Revaluation reserve 59 304 . 475 3 016
Net provision for outstanding claims 3 391 4 230 4 292 4 499 4 715
Premium and pension provisions 17 854 16 174 14 057 16 760 18 064
Net other technical provisions 1 570 648 1 916 1 839 1 018
Provisions for other charges 1 686 1 974 1 928 2 096 1 931
Provisions for pension 1 037 1 268 1 242 1 256 1 261
Deffered tax 649 647 649 801 643
Other provisions for charges . 59 37 39 26
Other liabilities 27 076 26 900 18 315 16 147 16 086
Expences accrued 1 180 1 009 892 1 007 815
Deffered income 775 581 238 10 9
Payable tax 544 611 715 437 792
Dividend . . . . 181
Insurance liabilities 2 415 2 020 2 429 2 900 2 150
Other liabilities 11 706 4 310 5 702 4 995 8 008
Financial derivates 10 456 18 370 8 340 6 798 4 131
Total liabilities 734 290 738 077 738 349 752 291 776 418
Number of companies 20 20 21 21 22
Loan with mortgage on dwelling 11 044 11 419 11 946 12 009 12 231
Net tehcnical provisions where the risk is borne by the policyholder 53 978 40 930 45 487 51 520 57 023