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Life and non-life insurance companies, 2008
1 Life insurance companies. Profit and loss account1. NOK Million
2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008*
Earned premiums, net of reinsurance 42 902 47 428 49 841 61 886 67 725 71 676 79 105 79 552
Gross premiums written 36 356 39 214 43 847 53 997 60 718 60 476 68 503 68 168
- Reinsurers share of gross premiums written -1 703 -1 844 -1 335 -997 -441 -620 -439 -754
- Reinsurers share of investment income -226 -294 -782 -728 . . . .
Transfer of premiumreserve from other companies 8 476 10 351 8 110 9 614 7 448 11 821 11 041 12 138
Claims incurred, net of reinsurance 28 321 28 757 31 240 34 501 35 680 47 157 70 193 64 557
Gross claim payment 21 344 21 479 22 441 24 954 29 030 35 997 57 642 54 458
Reinsurers share of gross claim payments -884 -1 133 -732 -429 -386 -389 -124 -307
Net change in the provision for outstanding claims 180 290 290 228 129 253 458 839
Transfer of premiumreserve etc. to other companies 7 681 8 121 9 241 9 748 6 907 11 295 12 218 9 567
Net change in technical provisions 19 736 20 786 43 805 51 021 63 285 59 774 55 913 -10 982
Premiumreserve 21 930 25 626 29 037 38 511 41 908 33 092 29 212 14 997
Other technical provisions to customers 816 55 4 846 6 782 8 776 10 761 13 726 2 689
Other technical provisions -3 011 -4 896 9 922 5 728 12 601 15 921 12 975 -28 668
Investment income (+)/charges (-) 17 009 19 148 20 397 20 020 19 311 20 892 23 873 26 456
Interest income 16 758 18 992 19 036 19 627 17 416 18 338 20 175 24 226
Bonds and certificates 12 499 14 459 16 510 15 668 15 356 16 090 16 391 14 355
Other assets 4 259 4 533 2 526 3 959 2 060 2 248 3 784 9 871
Interest charges 1 787 1 632 632 2 279 954 1 067 1 735 1 477
Share dividend etc. 2 038 1 788 1 993 2 672 2 850 3 621 5 433 3 707
Gains/losses, value (re-)adjustments on financial assets -18 326 -18 487 15 625 12 131 25 259 27 358 24 180 -50 632
Gains (+)/losses (-) -10 734 -13 024 4 568 8 099 10 712 13 955 20 374 -13 318
Shares, participations and primary capital certificates -17 614 -18 028 -546 5 034 9 739 15 558 15 209 -14 217
Bonds and certificates 1 444 738 4 051 2 277 737 -378 -884 261
Currency and financial derivatives 5 355 4 127 888 794 -13 -1 620 5 383 660
Land and buildings 80 139 174 -6 249 395 666 -22
Unrealized gains (+)/losses (-) -7 657 -5 475 11 241 4 155 14 654 13 548 3 683 -37 315
Shares, participations and primary capital certificates -5 881 -7 186 9 814 4 084 14 348 11 367 -4 020 -36 398
Bonds and certificates -3 061 974 1 633 86 125 -1 409 -2 439 -1 141 11 026
Currency and financial derivatives -116 552 -229 -87 043 -1 057 1 288 -2 763 -9 851
Land and buildings 1 400 185 23 989 2 771 3 332 11 607 -2 091
Value re-adjustments (+)/adjustments (-) 65 12 -184 -123 -106 -145 123 .
Other operating income (+)/expenses (-) -184 -1 660 -1 544 -1 849 -1 807 -2 476 -3 214 -3 834
Personnel costs 1 599 1 571 1 662 1 713 2 347 2 683 3 334 3 016
Commisions received (+)/submitted (-) -402 -580 -693 -828 -1 120 -1 225 -1 072 -674
Operating income (+)/costs (-) from real property 2 403 2 614 2 644 2 624 2 986 3 223 3 424 2 457
Depreciations of non-financial assets 132 154 171 183 157 160 191 625
Value adjustments (-)/re-adjustments (+) of non-financial assets . -8 . . . -5 -67 0
Other operating income (+)/expenses (-) -455 -1 961 -1 661 -1 750 -1 167 -1 626 -1 974 -1 976
To/from revaluation reserve -6 637 -1 025 6 818 3 488 8 204 6 798 -7 200 -17 470
Profit/loss on ordinary activities -20 -2 090 2 455 3 178 3 320 3 721 5 037 -2 033
Extraordinary income (+)/charges (-) 6 . . 25 17 . 4 240
Tax -244 -606 461 87 -522 -1 082 -2 284 539
Profit/loss 231 -1 484 1 994 3 116 3 859 4 803 7 326 -2 332
Applications and transfers 231 -1 484 1 994 3 115 3 859 4 803 7 326 ..
Group contribution paid/received -252 -1 208 -1 860 0 -1 430 -2 561 -4 267 ..
Dividends 252 874 3 433 986 926 5 902 8 324 ..
Other transfers 231 -1 150 421 2 129 4 362 1 462 3 269 ..
Balance on the technical account for life insurance 390 -1 699 2 184 3 163 3 008 4 109 6 717 -767

1From January 2008, new annual account regulation for insurance companies adapted to the new International FinancialReporting Standards (IFRS) was introduced. New regulation for life insurance was introduced at the same time. Bothchanges have had an impact on the content and presentation of the insurance statistics. The statistics from 2008 cannot be compared with those from previous years.
