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Life and non-life insurance companies, 2008
2 Life insurance companies. Balance sheet by financial instrument1. 31 December. NOK Million
2004 2005 2006 2007 2008*
Intangible assets 530 783 956 1 310 788
Goodwill 3 1 0 . .
Deferred tax asset 174 276 252 487 14
Other intangible assets 353 505 704 823 774
Tangible fixed assets 17 307 17 727 15 055 20 941 6 403
Land and buildings2 17 128 17 579 14 884 20 815 6 261
Machinery, equipment and vehicles 178 148 171 125 142
Capital assets3 176 911 177 523 241 240 264 810 646 200
Investments in subsiduaries 34 748 41 997 54 272 75 975 82 213
Shares i ltd. and gen. partnerships 0 . 2 61 6 556
Shares 1 917 1 800 3 154 3 081 28 054
Primary capital certificates . . 0 . 1
Shares in securities funds 15 13 11 11 120 263
Bonds 165 405 162 332 183 801 185 680 351 719
Other capital assets 0 1 0 2 5 155
Short-term investments3 262 943 327 122 359 266 371 188 ..
Shares 61 388 81 307 97 412 84 860 ..
Primary capital certificates 23 60 1 0 ..
Shares in securities funds 61 630 81 211 116 461 158 816 ..
Bonds 104 375 124 953 127 174 106 999 ..
Certificates 33 927 38 325 16 695 17 999 37 382
Financial derivatives 1 481 -121 308 1 693 14 858
Other short-term investments 120 1 388 887 774 ..
Loans utilizied 18 957 18 767 20 173 28 068 46 692
Gross loans 18 964 18 770 20 174 28 068 46 692
Specified provisions on loans -7 -2 -1 . .
Unspecified provisions on loans -7 -4 . . .
Other claims 15 289 12 803 16 634 20 687 7 933
Earned not yet paid revenues 7 448 7 605 7 737 7 555 217
Prepaid expenses 681 226 469 226 64
Insurance claims 5 392 2 145 3 308 3 682 3 634
Deposits with ceding undertakings . . . . 418
Other claims 1 767 2 826 5 119 9 225 3 599
Cash and bank deposits 19 963 25 803 25 337 35 166 32 323
The Central Bank of Norway 0 0 0 0 .
Banks 16 955 20 714 16 724 29 410 25 073
Foreign banks 3 008 5 089 8 613 5 756 7 250
Total assets 537 067 609 145 678 663 742 171 740 340
Liabilities and equity capital   
Equity capital 20 553 22 579 25 400 39 092 40 659
Deposit capital 10 375 11 158 12 451 22 081 24 531
Share capital 4 740 4 749 4 535 5 200 6 869
Primary capital . . . . .
Share premiumreserve 2 814 2 823 3 543 12 221 12 613
Other deposit capital 2 821 3 586 4 372 4 660 5 050
Retained earnings 10 178 11 421 12 950 17 011 14 889
Other equity 10 178 11 421 12 950 17 011 14 889
Subordinated liabilities 8 335 8 297 10 905 14 305 18 420
Bonds 5 426 5 363 7 904 4 055 7 135
Other subordinated loans 2 909 2 934 3 000 10 250 11 285
Revaluation reserve 10 498 18 702 25 500 18 300 304
Technical provisions 490 811 548 798 604 892 650 503 652 065
Life assurance provision 465 267 514 311 604 892 650 503 652 065
Premium reserve 435 904 479 477 559 664 595 121 614 658
Additional provisions 11 001 15 306 20 783 24 762 13 234
Premium provision 15 625 16 286 19 557 19 288 16 086
Pension provisions 129 20 314 334 211
Fund for deposits . . 239 .. ..
Net provision for outstanding claims 2 427 2 153 2 516 3 004 7 241
Net other technical provisions 180 1 069 2 058 7 994 635
Equalization provision 607 641 704 .. ..
Net tehcnical provisions where the risk is borne by the policyholder 24 937 33 846 43 587 .. ..
Provisions for other charges 1 013 783 1 402 2 194 1 975
Provisions for pensions 336 449 485 1 030 1 268
Deffered tax 605 181 914 1 164 647
Other provisions for charges 72 153 3 1 60
Other liabilities 5 857 9 987 10 564 17 777 26 918
Loans . . . . .
Expences accrued 375 441 1 022 1 218 1 010
Deffered income 363 200 63 376 581
Payable tax 34 29 32 50 611
Dividend 539 1 622 131 651 .
Insurance liabilities 1 072 1 241 846 3 374 2 020
Deposits from reassurance companies 426 7 . . .
Other liabilities 3 050 6 445 8 469 12 109 22 697
Total liabilities 537 067 609 145 678 663 742 171 740 340
Number of companies 18 20 19 19 20
Loan with mortgage on dwelling 8 637 8 354 8 740 9 390 11 419

1From January 2008, new annual account regulation for insurance companies adapted to the new International FinancialReporting Standards (IFRS) was introduced. New regulation for life insurance was introduced at the same time. Bothchanges have had an impact on the content and presentation of the insurance statistics. The statistics from 2008 cannot be compared with those from previous years.
2From 2008 shares i real estate is classified as shares and not as buildings
3After adjusting to the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) valuation was introduced. Capital assets and shortterm investments are no longer separated. The statistics from 2008 can not be compared with those from previous years.
