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Life and non-life insurance companies, 2008
7 Non-life insurance companies. Profit and loss account1. NOK Million
2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008*
Earned premiums, net of reinsurance 29 612 32 739 36 432 38 021 41 267 43 170 42 274 49 348
Gross premiums written 38 196 42 596 45 752 47 786 49 566 51 561 49 759 57 589
- Reinsurers share of gross premiums written -7 232 -8 752 -8 127 -8 892 -7 790 -7 665 -7 630 -7 440
Gross change in the provisions for unearned premiums -498 -1 259 -1 165 -743 -429 -801 62 -737
- Reinsurers share of the gross change in the provision for outstanding claims -854 153 -28 -130 -79 74 83 -64
Claims incurred, net of reinsurance 26 137 25 620 27 278 25 610 28 307 29 453 30 383 35 121
Gross claim payment 30 649 28 712 30 314 27 739 27 950 30 013 30 292 36 438
Reinsurers share of gross claim payments -6 700 -6 115 -6 151 -5 266 -4 834 -4 865 -4 662 -4 984
Gross change in the provision for outstanding claims 3 376 1 301 -328 1 356 4 193 4 313 6 087 3 550
Reinsurers share of the gross change in the provision for outstanding claims -1 188 1 722 3 443 1 782 997 -7 -1 334 117
Bonuses and rebates 45 48 10 29 57 56 31 31
Net change in technical provisions 578 980 2 070 4 848 2 939 1 567 3 978 858
Other operating income (+)/expenses (-) -7 387 -8 122 -9 008 -8 672 -9 707 -10 299 -9 451 -11 220
Personnel costs 3 629 3 848 3 932 4 191 4 654 4 696 4 417 5 058
Commisions received (+)/submitted (-) -811 -911 -1 370 -1 113 -1 340 -1 699 -1 642 -1 936
Operating income (+)/costs (-) from real property 269 368 297 242 289 239 422 198
Depreciations of non-financial assets 655 604 688 564 717 689 636 571
Value adjustments (-)/re-adjustments (+) of non-financial assets 0 0 -1 . . . . -76
Other operating income (+)/expenses (-) -2 561 -3 128 -3 314 -3 046 -3 285 -3 454 -3 178 -3 777
Investment income (+)/charges (-) 2 334 2 967 3 293 2 985 3 058 4 132 4 944 6 760
Interest income 3 081 3 093 3 228 3 148 3 314 3 541 4 351 5 342
Interest charges 194 582 612 501 673 435 . .
Share dividend etc. -553 455 677 338 417 591 593 1 418
Gains/losses, value (re-)adjustments on financial assets -1 671 -3 371 4 813 691 4 357 3 543 682 -6 565
Gains (+)/losses (-) -102 -2 104 2 448 779 2 915 2 970 2 395 -491
Unrealized gains (+)/losses (-) -1 560 -1 261 2 510 -80 1 461 591 -1 709 -6 074
Value re-adjustments (+)/adjustments (-) -8 -6 -145 -8 -19 -19 -4 .
Profit/loss on ordinary activities -3 871 -2 436 6 172 2 538 7 673 9 470 4 058 2 313
Extraordinary income (+)/charges (-) 1 -1 98 1 -2 23 -12 287
Tax -585 -457 1 050 -414 570 947 828 1 033
Profit/loss -3 285 -1 980 5 220 2 953 7 101 8 111 3 218 1 567
Applications and transfers -3 285 -1 980 5 220 2 953 7 101 8 111 2 684 ..
Group contribution paid/received 978 306 712 -1 315 349 645 797 ..
Dividends 36 2 092 586 553 1 158 1 432 273 ..
Transfers from/to revaluation reserve -57 -106 2 0 0 0 . ..
Other transfers -4 241 -4 272 3 921 3 715 5 594 6 034 1 614 ..
Balance on the technical account for non-life insurance -1 390 1 249 735 969 3 157 5 676 2 986 7 051

1From January 2008, new annual account regulation for insurance companies adapted to the new International FinancialReporting Standards (IFRS) was introduced. New regulation for life insurance was introduced at the same time. Bothchanges have had an impact on the content and presentation of the insurance statistics. The statistics from 2008 cannot be compared with those from previous years.
