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Life and non-life insurance companies, 2008
8 Non-life insurance companies. Balance sheet by financial instrument1. 31 December. NOK Million
2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008*
Intangible assets 6 978 7 181 6 276 5 737 5 196 4 973 5 661 4 751
Goodwill 5 415 5 023 4 614 4 448 4 024 3 523 3 233 2 967
Deferred tax asset 1 527 1 965 1 347 1 008 978 1 017 2 004 1 341
Other intangible assets 35 193 316 281 194 433 424 443
Tangible fixed assets 5 073 5 117 4 367 4 387 4 192 3 689 4 542 2 901
Land and buildings2 4 233 4 359 3 824 3 907 3 523 3 243 4 058 2 531
Machinery, equipment and vehicles 841 759 544 480 669 445 484 370
Capital assets3 22 853 9 963 7 912 10 479 13 272 17 618 24 589 100 359
Investments in subsiduaries 6 775 4 289 2 001 2 008 4 588 5 359 12 989 14 099
Shares i ltd. and gen. partnerships 1 2 2 188 103 112 139 1 498
Shares 186 261 2 511 2 439 1 228 2 429 224 2 474
Primary capital certificates 1 500 . 25 . 20 22 47 24
Shares in securities funds 11 2 26 2 . 11 441 17 545
Bonds 2 357 5 385 3 112 5 816 7 298 9 656 10 762 49 085
Other capital assets 12 023 24 235 26 33 28 -13 309
Short-term investments3 41 986 38 877 49 318 57 574 70 695 71 633 70 803 ..
Shares 9 424 3 621 6 389 4 829 9 066 11 389 9 468 ..
Primary capital sertificates 143 144 30 28 31 25 25 ..
Shares in securities funds 4 533 2 674 3 761 7 023 13 339 13 980 20 094 ..
Bonds 23 621 22 438 25 053 25 484 31 758 36 580 31 927 ..
Certificates 3 891 9 231 13 441 19 788 16 294 9 520 8 513 14 718
Financial derivatives 338 716 562 344 49 -42 356 606
Other short-term investments 36 54 82 78 157 181 223 ..
Loans utilizied 1 094 1 138 1 382 1 589 1 457 1 307 1 007 841
Gross loans 1 104 1 147 1 387 1 593 1 463 1 316 1 017 841
Specified provisions on loans -10 -9 -5 -4 -6 -8 -10 .
Unspecified provisions on loans -3 -4 -5 -9 -9 . . .
Other claims 16 385 27 321 30 592 31 752 32 951 37 513 53 542 59 191
Earned not yet paid revenues 780 775 689 573 813 825 906 770
Prepaid expenses 845 937 994 1 097 1 141 1 360 597 561
Insurance claims 8 138 8 434 9 120 8 413 9 351 10 405 11 065 11 884
Other claims 6 622 17 174 19 789 21 669 21 646 24 923 26 537 28 741
Cash and bank deposits 6 687 7 654 7 324 5 668 6 668 5 873 7 805 7 454
The Central Bank of Norway 1 1 1 1 1 4 1 1
Banks 5 648 6 492 5 989 4 857 5 673 4 807 6 516 5 593
Foreign banks 1 038 1 161 1 333 810 994 1 063 1 289 1 861
Total assets 101 052 97 246 107 166 117 176 134 421 142 606 167 948 175 497
Liabilities and equity capital   
Equity capital 18 442 11 059 18 988 22 732 25 541 29 853 28 834 29 783
Deposit capital 5 790 3 336 3 484 5 693 5 653 6 034 10 182 11 424
Share capital 4 278 2 553 2 375 2 471 2 404 2 467 1 704 3 140
Primary capital . . 28 4 4 4 3 879 3 860
Share premiumreserve 1 254 500 536 718 830 954 745 809
Other deposit capital 258 283 546 2 500 2 415 2 609 3 854 3 615
Retained earnings 12 651 7 722 15 503 17 039 19 888 23 818 18 652 18 360
Revaluation reserve 126 0 75 74 74 75 77 1 047
Other equity 12 525 7 722 15 429 16 965 19 814 23 744 18 575 17 312
Subordinated liabilities 26 298 284 284 157 109 129 118
Bonds . 77 77 77 50 2 . 22
Other subordinated loans 26 221 207 207 107 107 129 96
Technical provisions 73 718 71 907 78 370 85 721 98 492 101 909 124 621 131 430
Net provision for unearned premium 12 671 13 634 14 731 15 518 16 894 17 764 19 970 20 861
Net provision for outstanding claims 38 830 35 624 38 724 40 294 48 205 50 139 68 049 74 195
Provision for bonuses and rebates 51 36 39 53 49 66 77 126
Equalization provision 22 024 22 590 24 800 29 645 32 848 33 444 35 915 35 134
Provision for not discharges risk 69 39 31 60 14 1 42 1
Equalization provision 14 213 13 695 14 352 18 041 20 637 20 794 23 711 24 812
Reinsurance provision 1 137 1 201 1 451 1 292 1 344 1 510 . .
Administrative provision 1 592 1 706 1 899 2 056 2 280 2 291 2 850 2 475
Naturedamage provision 4 062 5 001 6 002 7 013 7 360 7 614 5 206 6 875
Guarantee provision 952 948 1 064 1 183 1 213 1 233 4 106 971
Net other technical provisions 142 23 76 211 496 496 611 1 114
Provisions for other charges 757 549 995 1 215 2 113 2 093 2 892 4 160
Provisions for pensions 399 433 584 678 1 024 968 1 822 2 149
Deffered tax 251 40 239 7 11 12 107 1 380
Other provisions for charges 106 76 172 531 1 077 1 113 962 631
Other liabilities 8 129 13 455 8 552 7 266 8 142 8 643 11 472 10 005
Loans . . . . . . . 11
Expences accrued 1 374 1 019 992 1 152 751 827 764 704
Deffered income 18 17 12 44 227 86 86 74
Payable tax 83 145 33 128 445 292 291 1 355
Dividend 1 308 310 1 340 385 166 404 1 924 577
Insurance liabilities 2 044 2 224 2 633 2 426 2 143 2 128 2 907 2 407
Other liabilities 3 303 9 739 3 541 3 130 4 410 4 906 5 500 4 878
Total liabilities 101 072 97 268 107 188 117 218 134 445 142 606 167 948 175 497
Number of companies 100 104 93 94 96 95 97 101
Loan with mortgage on dwelling 404 300 299 477 345 323 346 770

1From January 2008, new annual account regulation for insurance companies adapted to the new International FinancialReporting Standards (IFRS) was introduced. New regulation for life insurance was introduced at the same time. Bothchanges have had an impact on the content and presentation of the insurance statistics. The statistics from 2008 cannot be compared with those from previous years.
2From 2008 shares i real estate is classified as shares and not as buildings
3After adjusting to the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) valuation was introduced. Capital assets and shortterm investments are no longer separated. The statistics from 2008 can not be compared with those from previous years.
