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Life and non-life insurance companies, 2008
9 Non-life insurance companies. Investments in subsiduaries and other shares,
participations and primary capital certificates by sector1. 31 December. NOK Million
Sector 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008*
Total 14 744 16 328 28 273 33 216 43 289 35 640
General government . . . . . .
Central government . . . . . .
County municipalities . . . . . .
Municipalities . . . . . .
Financial enterprises 6 895 8 881 9 881 10 194 13 635 12 600
State lending institutions . . . . . .
Banks 32 28 51 47 53 24
Mortgage companies . . 0 . . .
Finance companies . . . . . .
Units trust(UK)/Mutual funds (US) 2 894 5 031 7 423 5 825 8 656 7 512
Other financial enterprises 2 642 2 468 1 290 3 170 3 680 4 297
Life insurance companies etc. . . . . . .
Non-life insurance companies 584 732 394 372 363 393
Financial auxiliaries 742 622 723 780 884 374
Non-financial enterprises 1 262 1 350 4 683 4 982 7 377 6 107
Central government enterprises . . . . . .
Other state enterprises 155 174 275 328 276 99
Municipal enterprises 1 . . 9 11 2
Private incorporated companies 1 106 1 176 4 408 4 645 7 091 6 006
Private non-profit institutions . . . . . .
Houshold etc. 53 74 66 95 61 128
Quasi-corporated private enterprises (i.e. partnership companies, joint ownership etc.) . . . 3 . 67
Private non-profit institutions serving households . . . . . .
Unincorporated private enterprises . . . . . .
Households of employees . . . . . .
Unspecified sector 53 74 66 92 61 61
Rest of the world 6 534 6 022 13 643 17 945 22 215 16 805

1From January 2008, new annual account regulation for insurance companies adapted to the new International FinancialReporting Standards (IFRS) was introduced. New regulation for life insurance was introduced at the same time. Bothchanges have had an impact on the content and presentation of the insurance statistics. The statistics from 2008 cannot be compared with those from previous years.
