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Life and non-life insurance companies, 3rd quarter 2011
1 Life insurance companies. Profit and loss account (accumulated)1. NOK Million
30.09.2010 31.12.2010* 31.03.2011* 30.06.2011* 30.09.2011*
Earned premiums, net of reinsurance 65 307 80 108 27 117 42 770 69 541
Gross premiums written 54 080 66 571 20 503 33 490 57 829
- Reinsurers share of gross premiums written -394 -862 -220 -296 -432
Transfer of premium reserve from other companies 11 621 14 399 6 833 9 576 12 144
Claims incurred, net of reinsurance 37 733 50 937 16 542 28 923 41 929
Gross claim payment 29 187 40 836 10 270 19 884 30 273
Reinsurers share of gross claim payments -101 -381 -34 -83 -88
Other provisions 527 549 63 263 219
Transfer of premiumreserve etc. to other companies 8 120 9 933 6 243 8 859 11 525
Net change in technical provisions 53 281 72 830 18 279 25 166 24 326
Premium reserve 40 665 50 339 14 294 20 073 31 953
Other technical provisions 222 3 980 543 935 408
To/from revaluation reserve 5 495 10 706 -1 309 -5 008 -14 098
Means allocated insurance contracts 6 899 7 805 4 751 9 166 6 063
Other operating income /costs -4 121 -5 705 -1 155 -2 705 -4 168
Commisions received 90 139 48 85 114
Operating income, real property 115 142 31 75 100
Other operating income 722 989 276 570 813
Personell costs 2 063 2 778 757 1 462 2 209
Commision submitted 585 799 195 384 579
Operating costs, real property 30 12 1 3 7
Depreciations of non-financial assets 230 371 76 153 202
Other operating costs 2 139 3 015 481 1 434 2 198
Investment income and -costs 23 434 31 170 8 867 17 464 24 904
Interest income bonds and certificates 14 465 19 028 5 889 11 214 15 862
Interest income other assets 3 420 4 459 1 044 2 007 3 009
Share dividend etc. 7 010 8 974 1 692 4 097 5 360
Interest costs 1 461 1 290 -242 -146 -673
Gains/losses, value (re-)adjustments on financial assets 9 679 22 991 1 459 -553 -23 321
Realized gains/losses 1 899 6 321 4 287 7 499 5 709
Shares, participations and primary capital certificates 2 590 5 576 605 54 2 257
Bonds and certificates 1 322 959 -548 152 -383
Financial derivatives -1 419 162 4 361 7 138 3 708
Land and buildings 43 -33 -89 -70 -115
Other realized gains/losses -637 -344 -43 225 242
Net change in value 7 780 16 670 -2 828 -8 053 -29 030
Shares, participations and primary capital certificates 4 085 13 417 -1 157 -5 606 -21 885
Bonds and certificates 1 658 -907 -1 859 -1 592 75
Financial derivates 1 183 1 918 102 -346 -4 900
Land and buildings 25 59 7 19 19
Other net changes in value 827 2 182 79 -528 -2 339
Profit/loss on ordinary activities 3 285 4 797 1 467 2 886 700
Other result components -6 -207 -4 -12 -20
Tax 89 -747 -238 -241 -105
Profit/loss 3 190 5 338 1 701 3 115 786
Balance on the technical account for life insurance 2 137 3 027 900 1 838 -29
Value-adjusted profit/loss 15 273 26 608 5 037 7 390 -7 592

1From January 2008, new annual account regulation for insurance companies adapted to the new International FinancialReporting Standards (IFRS) was introduced. New regulation for life insurance was introduced at the same time. Bothchanges have had an impact on the content and presentation of the insurance statistics. The statistics from 2008 cannot be compared with those from previous years.
