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Life and non-life insurance companies, 3rd quarter 2011
2 Life insurance companies. Balance sheet by financial instrument1. NOK Million
30.09.2010 31.12.2010* 31.03.2011* 30.06.2011* 30.09.2011*
Intangible assets 975 1 533 1 565 1 032 1 115
Tangible fixed assets 5 952 2 495 2 477 2 226 2 170
Land and buildings2 5 732 2 298 2 305 2 057 2 010
Machinery, equipment and vehicles 220 197 173 169 160
Capital investments3 730 066 773 699 804 617 804 933 799 040
Shares, participations and primary capital certificates 155 505 182 118 184 731 192 110 182 399
Shares in securities funds 158 030 190 470 219 125 218 905 214 129
Bonds and certificates 406 431 393 607 382 738 383 305 396 019
Financial derivatives 5 546 6 683 4 821 4 277 2 145
Other capital investments 4 554 822 13 202 6 336 4 349
Loans 72 655 52 993 50 493 48 654 47 035
Remaining claims 13 233 4 531 8 266 8 116 16 051
Insurance claims 10 239 2 294 3 754 3 603 10 581
Reinsurance share of technical provisions 604 570 602 638 648
Other claims 2 390 1 667 3 909 3 875 4 821
Cash and bank deposits 22 874 27 456 27 269 30 972 27 695
Total assets 845 755 862 708 894 686 895 933 893 106
Liabilities and equity capital   
Equity capital4 48 754 49 735 51 452 51 616 50 076
Deposit capital 26 221 26 223 26 218 26 219 27 115
Company capital 6 971 6 971 6 971 6 971 6 971
Share premium account 12 793 12 793 12 793 12 793 12 793
Other deposit capital 6 457 6 460 6 454 6 455 7 352
Retained earnings 22 533 23 512 25 235 25 397 22 961
Other equity 19 644 23 482 23 493 22 186 22 124
Not allocated profit 2 889 30 1 742 3 212 837
Subordinated liabilities 15 479 15 421 15 352 14 762 15 345
Bonds 6 246 6 198 6 103 5 779 6 191
Other subordinated loans 9 233 9 223 9 249 8 983 9 154
Technical provisions 766 783 785 743 803 217 809 022 805 118
Premium reserve 710 335 722 017 738 291 742 217 749 443
Additional provisions 19 160 22 890 22 992 23 009 22 368
Revaluation reserve 11 252 16 462 15 088 11 389 2 298
Net provision for outstanding claims 5 688 5 649 5 749 5 967 6 030
Premium and pension provisions 19 292 17 816 19 838 25 175 16 620
Net other technical provisions 1 057 909 1 259 1 265 1 214
Unallocated surplus funds to insurance contracts .. .. .. .. 7 145
Provisions for other charges 1 419 1 532 1 488 1 763 1 524
Provisions for pension 1 233 1 382 1 344 1 354 1 366
Deffered tax 160 94 74 366 127
Other provisions for charges 26 57 71 44 31
Other liabilities 13 320 10 276 23 176 17 405 21 043
Expences accrued 1 495 801 838 1 117 2 500
Deffered income 10 24 18 13 21
Payable tax 170 73 -190 299 767
Dividend . . . . .
Insurance liabilities 2 190 2 381 1 461 1 985 1 833
Other liabilities 6 605 4 479 19 525 12 479 9 644
Financial derivates 2 849 2 519 1 524 1 512 6 278
Total liabilities 845 755 862 708 894 686 894 568 893 106
Number of companies 21 21 21 21 21
Loan with mortgage on dwelling 11 769 11 265 11 096 10 781 10 497
Net tehcnical provisions where the risk is borne by the policyholder 72 931 78 578 83 282 84 035 80 899

1From January 2008, new annual account regulation for insurance companies adapted to the new International FinancialReporting Standards (IFRS) was introduced. New regulation for life insurance was introduced at the same time. Bothchanges have had an impact on the content and presentation of the insurance statistics. The statistics from 2008 cannot be compared with those from previous years.
2From 2008 shares i real estate is classified as shares and not as buildings
3After adjusting to the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) valuation was introduced. Capital assets and shortterm investments are no longer separated. The statistics from 2008 can not be compared with those from previous years.
4From 2008 administrative, naturedamage and guarantee provisions are included in the equity capital
