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Life and non-life insurance companies, 3rd quarter 2011
7 Non-life insurance companies. Balance sheet by financial instrument1. NOK Million
30.09.2010 31.12.2010* 31.03.2011* 30.06.2011* 30.09.2011*
Intangible assets 6 008 6 069 6 275 6 102 6 082
Tangible fixed assets 2 536 2 399 2 389 2 396 1 970
Land and buildings2 2 164 1 998 2 008 2 016 1 599
Machinery, equipment and vehicles 372 400 381 380 371
Capital investments3 118 143 118 668 122 193 118 052 119 545
Shares, participations and primary capital certificates 25 371 26 380 26 505 24 157 23 371
Shares in securities' fund 17 254 16 532 19 491 18 350 17 965
Bonds and certificates 74 857 74 071 75 113 75 012 77 078
Financial derivatives 453 1 368 725 205 782
Other capital investments 210 317 359 328 349
Loans 606 587 565 552 537
Reinsurance share of technical provisions 14 632 13 212 13 012 13 330 12 721
Remaining claims 40 049 40 757 40 599 43 884 42 631
Insurance claims 14 038 13 301 16 085 16 336 14 580
Other claims 26 011 27 456 24 515 27 548 28 052
Cash and bank deposits 6 392 6 460 7 877 7 247 7 053
Total assets 188 366 188 152 192 909 191 563 190 539
Liabilities and equity capital   
Equity capital4 47 896 49 851 44 915 47 382 47 738
Deposit capital 10 405 10 451 10 483 10 566 10 669
Company capital 4 572 4 447 4 397 4 397 4 497
Share premium account 2 353 2 519 2 470 2 551 2 541
Other deposit capital 3 480 3 485 3 617 3 617 3 631
Retained earnings 37 491 39 400 34 432 36 816 37 069
Other equity 32 423 31 771 21 088 33 874 34 022
Not allocated profit 5 068 7 629 13 344 2 942 3 047
Subordinated liabilities 93 93 93 93 92
Bonds . . . . .
Other subordinated loans 93 93 93 93 92
Technical provisions 128 827 125 830 131 527 132 444 130 521
Gross provision for unearned premium 24 785 22 600 28 758 28 846 25 700
Gross provision for outstanding claims 77 120 75 796 74 802 75 032 76 287
Gross provision for bonuses and rebates 107 109 118 116 109
Equalization provision 26 322 26 833 27 390 28 023 28 047
Other technical provisions 494 492 458 427 377
Provisions for other charges 2 318 2 156 2 745 2 907 3 172
Provisions for pension 1 575 1 544 2 022 2 105 2 517
Deffered tax 167 82 120 205 69
Other provisions for charges 576 530 603 597 586
Remaining liabilities 9 232 10 221 13 629 8 738 9 016
Expences accrued 704 783 664 649 725
Deffered income 139 137 54 100 75
Payable tax 1 959 1 960 1 660 1 485 2 103
Dividend 183 72 4 522 41 29
Insurance liabilities 2 036 2 296 2 729 2 588 2 411
Other liabilities 3 994 4 247 3 364 3 736 2 764
Financial derivates 218 726 636 138 910
Total liabilities 188 366 188 152 192 909 191 563 190 539
Number of companies 100 99 98 99 99
Loan with mortage on dwelling 573 563 541 530 519

1From January 2008, new annual account regulation for insurance companies adapted to the new International FinancialReporting Standards (IFRS) was introduced. New regulation for life insurance was introduced at the same time. Bothchanges have had an impact on the content and presentation of the insurance statistics. The statistics from 2008 cannot be compared with those from previous years.
2From 2008 shares i real estate is classified as shares and not as buildings
3After adjusting to the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) valuation was introduced. Capital assets and shortterm investments are no longer separated. The statistics from 2008 can not be compared with those from previous years.
4From 2008 administrative, naturedamage and guarantee provisions are included in the equity capital
