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Life and non-life insurance companies, 2011
1 Life insurance companies. Balanse sheet by financial instrument1. NOK Million
2007 2008 2009 2010 2011*
Intangible assets 1 310 775 942 1 551 1 083
Tangible fixed assets 20 941 6 430 5 796 2 495 1 442
Land and buildings2 20 815 6 247 5 593 2 298 1 291
Machinery, equipment and vehicles 125 184 203 196 151
Capital investments3 635 998 644 109 686 735 772 037 822 337
Shares, participation and primary capital certificates 163 977 116 820 138 212 182 118 172 325
Shares in securities funds 158 827 118 433 141 163 188 897 212 774
Bonds and certificates 310 726 389 100 401 078 393 517 434 633
Financial derivatives 1 693 14 858 4 531 6 683 2 698
Other capital investments 776 4 897 1 750 822 -94
Loans 28 068 46 692 69 181 52 994 49 042
Remaining claims 20 805 8 140 4 713 5 582 7 621
Insurance claims 3 682 3 779 1 741 2 286 3 069
Reinsurance share of technical provisions 118 425 523 577 632
Other claims 17 006 3 936 2 449 2 718 3 920
Cash and bank deposits 35 166 32 348 26 216 27 367 25 707
Total assets 742 289 738 494 793 583 862 026 907 232
Liabilities and equity capital   
Equity capital 39 092 40 471 44 549 49 847 54 490
Deposit capital 22 081 24 147 25 171 26 298 30 255
Company capital 5 200 6 869 6 910 6 971 7 271
Share premium account 12 221 12 613 12 681 12 793 15 518
Other deposit capital 4 660 4 665 5 579 6 534 7 467
Life insurance companies balance sheet 17 011 16 324 19 379 23 549 24 234
Other equity 17 011 16 324 19 379 23 549 24 234
Subordinated liabilities 14 305 18 420 15 543 15 421 15 434
Bonds 4 055 8 816 8 821 11 524 11 526
Other subordinated loans 10 250 9 604 6 722 3 897 3 908
Technical provisions 668 921 650 686 715 744 785 106 819 766
Premium reserve 595 141 613 794 668 923 721 392 764 338
Additional provisions 24 762 13 234 19 588 22 890 25 692
Revaluation reserve 18 300 304 5 757 16 396 6 928
Net provision for outstanding claims 3 102 6 376 5 077 5 570 6 311
Premium and pension provisions 19 622 16 298 15 592 17 975 15 463
Net other technical provisions 7 994 680 807 882 1 035
Provisions for other charges 2 194 1 974 1 385 1 480 2 650
Provisions for pensions 1 030 1 268 1 221 1 349 1 479
Deffered tax 1 164 647 101 72 1 095
Other provisions for charges 1 59 63 58 76
Other liabilities 17 777 26 944 16 362 10 173 14 891
Expences accrued 1 218 1 009 782 808 873
Deffered income 376 581 45 24 16
Payable tax 50 621 787 31 275
Dividend 651 . . . .
Insurance liabilities 3 374 2 026 2 732 2 357 2 038
Other liabilities 11 623 4 337 8 015 4 434 6 945
Financial derivates 485 18 370 4 001 2 519 4 745
Total liabilities 742 289 738 494 793 583 862 026 907 232
Number of companies 20 20 21 21 21
Loan with mortgage on dwelling 9 390 11 419 12 246 11 265 10 236
Net technical provisions where the risk is borne by the policyholder . 40 980 63 243 78 931 87 909

1From January 2008, new annual account regulation for insurance companies adapted to the new International FinancialReporting Standards (IFRS) was introduced. New regulation for life insurance was introduced at the same time. Bothchanges have had an impact on the content and presentation of the insurance statistics. The statistics from 2008 cannot be compared with those from previous years.
2From 2008 shares i real estate is classified as shares and not as buildings
3After adjusting to the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) valuation was introduced. Capital assets and shortterm investments are no longer separated. The statistics from 2008 can not be compared with those from previous years.
