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Life and non-life insurance companies, 2011
6 Non-life insurance companies. Balanse sheet by financial instrument1. NOK Million
2007 2008 2009 2010 2011*
Intangible assets 5 661 5 337 6 244 6 277 7 216
Tangible fixed assets 4 542 2 934 2 733 2 398 1 846
Land and buildings2 4 058 2 554 2 348 1 998 1 493
Machinery, equiptment and vehicles 484 380 385 400 353
Capital investments3 95 392 100 186 110 874 119 446 121 353
Shares, participation and primary capital certificates 22 845 18 096 21 268 26 408 22 217
Shares in securities' fund 18 865 15 178 17 516 16 509 18 638
Bonds and certificates 53 069 66 147 71 476 74 805 79 418
Financial derivates 356 606 281 1 369 850
Other capital investments 256 159 332 354 230
Loans 1 007 841 636 578 642
Reinsurance share of technincal provisions 14 438 17 235 14 887 13 369 12 737
Remaining claims 39 104 41 510 38 751 41 626 42 175
Insurance claims 11 065 11 267 12 606 12 725 14 367
Other claims 28 039 30 243 26 145 28 901 27 808
Cash and bank deposits 7 805 7 454 6 394 6 376 7 024
Total assets 167 948 175 497 180 520 190 069 192 992
Liabilities and equity capitla   
Equity capital4 40 996 40 106 43 621 50 473 42 991
Deposit capital 10 182 11 424 9 991 10 541 11 078
Comapany capital 1 704 3 140 3 243 4 347 4 501
Share premium account 745 809 2 267 2 467 2 572
Other deposit capital 7 733 7 475 4 480 3 727 4 005
Retained earnings 30 814 28 682 33 630 39 931 31 914
Other equity 30 814 28 682 33 630 39 931 31 914
Subordinated liabililties 129 118 168 92 92
Bonds . . . . .
Other subordinated loans 129 118 168 92 92
Technical provisions 112 459 121 107 121 959 125 884 132 653
Gross provision for unearned premium 19 970 20 861 21 315 22 545 23 717
Gross provision for outstanding claims 68 049 74 195 73 771 74 764 79 669
Gross provision for bonuses and rebates 77 126 78 123 122
Equalization provision 23 753 24 813 26 256 27 371 28 779
Other technical provisions 611 1 112 538 1 082 366
Provisions for other charges 2 892 4 160 2 288 2 835 3 629
Provisions for pension 1 822 2 149 1 563 1 562 2 956
Deffered tax 107 1 380 120 744 18
Other provisions for charges 962 631 604 529 655
Remaining liabilities 11 472 10 005 12 484 10 786 13 627
Expences accrued 764 704 786 784 851
Deffered income 86 74 69 84 71
Payable tax 291 1 355 2 546 1 088 2 678
Dividend 1 924 577 2 322 2 213 2 638
Insurance liabilities 2 907 2 407 2 165 1 928 2 646
Other liabilities 5 475 3 470 4 475 3 962 4 035
Financial derivates 25 1 419 121 727 709
Total liabilities 167 948 175 497 180 520 190 069 192 992
Number of companies 98 102 101 99 99
Loan with mortage on dwelling 346 . . . .

1From January 2008, new annual account regulation for insurance companies adapted to the new International FinancialReporting Standards (IFRS) was introduced. New regulation for life insurance was introduced at the same time. Bothchanges have had an impact on the content and presentation of the insurance statistics. The statistics from 2008 cannot be compared with those from previous years.
2From 2008 shares i real estate is classified as shares and not as buildings
3After adjusting to the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) valuation was introduced. Capital assets and shortterm investments are no longer separated. The statistics from 2008 can not be compared with those from previous years.
4From 2008 administrative, naturedamage and guarantee provisions are included in the equity capital
