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Life and non-life insurance companies, 2011
9 Non-life insurance companies. Holdings of bonds and certificates by issuing sector1. NOK Million
2007 2008 2009 2010 2011*
Total 53 069 66 147 71 476 74 805 79 418
General government 9 013 17 598 18 656 19 527 17 212
Central government 8 077 16 703 16 463 15 948 13 161
County municipalities 198 895 2 193 3 579 4 051
Municipalities 738 789 1 951 2 733 ..
Financial enterprises 21 336 21 255 21 593 24 423 30 983
State lending institutions . . . . .
Banks 19 453 17 740 17 563 16 530 19 557
Mortgage companies 1 728 3 193 3 389 7 713 11 260
Finance companies 10 188 180 . .
Units trust(UK)/Mutual funds (US) . . . . .
Other financial enterprises 142 17 337 127 123
Life insurance companies etc. . 117 123 53 43
Non-life insurance companies . . . . .
Financial auxiliaries 3 . . . .
Non-financial enterprises 4 360 4 489 5 604 6 880 7 400
Central government enterprises . . . . .
Other state enterprises 1 154 1 594 1 971 2 404 1 569
Municipal enterprises 1 588 32 201 161 161
Private incorporated companies 1 618 1 360 1 281 1 687 2 995
Private non-profit institutions . . . . .
Houshold etc. . . . . .
Quasi-corporated private enterprises (i.e. partnership companies, joint ownership etc.) . . . . ..
Private non-profit institutions serving households . . . . ..
Unincorporated private enterprises . . . . .
Households of employees . . . . .
Unspecified sector 5 . . . .
Rest of the world 18 355 22 805 25 623 23 974 23 822

1From January 2008, new annual account regulation for insurance companies adapted to the new International FinancialReporting Standards (IFRS) was introduced. New regulation for life insurance was introduced at the same time. Bothchanges have had an impact on the content and presentation of the insurance statistics. The statistics from 2008 cannot be compared with those from previous years.
