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Life and non-life insurance companies, 3rd quarter 2012
2 Life insurance companies. Balance sheet by financial instrument1. NOK Million
30.09.2011 31.12.2011* 31.03.2012* 30.06.2012* 30.09.2012*
Intangible assets 1 115 993 1 134 1 148 1 284
Tangible fixed assets 2 170 1 442 1 418 1 436 1 250
Land and buildings2 2 010 1 291 1 271 1 288 1 114
Machinery, equipment and vehicles 160 150 148 148 136
Capital investments3 799 040 824 156 865 852 860 388 876 768
Shares, participations and primary capital certificates 182 399 173 608 173 856 171 044 172 360
Shares in securities funds 214 129 213 251 225 995 229 351 244 686
Bonds and certificates 396 019 434 698 448 293 451 807 451 456
Financial derivatives 2 145 2 698 3 580 2 877 4 614
Other capital investments 4 349 -100 14 127 5 309 3 653
Loans 47 035 47 815 50 788 50 140 50 944
Remaining claims 16 051 7 258 9 401 17 927 21 951
Insurance claims 10 581 2 651 4 681 9 786 17 011
Reinsurance share of technical provisions 648 641 618 621 599
Other claims 4 821 3 965 4 101 7 519 4 341
Cash and bank deposits 27 695 25 646 24 369 24 329 26 647
Total assets 893 106 907 309 952 963 955 367 978 845
Liabilities and equity capital   
Equity capital4 50 076 54 875 55 660 57 096 59 819
Deposit capital 27 115 30 259 29 758 30 143 31 225
Company capital 6 971 7 271 7 271 7 389 7 499
Share premium account 12 793 15 518 15 142 15 165 15 380
Other deposit capital 7 352 7 470 7 345 7 588 8 346
Retained earnings 22 961 24 616 25 902 26 953 28 594
Other equity 22 124 24 354 24 710 24 809 24 819
Not allocated profit 837 262 1 192 2 144 3 775
Subordinated liabilities 15 345 15 434 15 199 15 075 15 041
Bonds 11 454 11 526 11 310 11 162 11 151
Other subordinated loans 3 890 3 908 3 889 3 913 3 890
Technical provisions 805 204 820 081 852 174 860 073 885 585
Premium reserve 749 829 761 746 786 814 796 918 815 196
Additional provisions 22 368 25 619 25 595 25 381 25 447
Revaluation reserve 2 298 6 986 15 337 11 989 18 182
Net provision for outstanding claims 6 030 6 331 6 548 6 709 6 997
Premium and pension provisions 16 620 17 458 14 717 15 398 13 916
Net other technical provisions 1 214 1 080 1 379 1 340 1 271
Unallocated surplus funds to insurance contracts 6 845 863 1 785 2 338 4 576
Provisions for other charges 1 524 2 667 2 579 2 380 2 480
Provisions for pension 1 366 1 481 1 487 1 483 1 485
Deffered tax 127 1 124 1 045 856 964
Other provisions for charges 31 62 48 40 31
Other liabilities 20 957 14 251 27 350 20 743 15 919
Expences accrued 2 500 871 1 024 778 947
Deffered income 21 12 16 19 6
Payable tax 767 270 103 32 27
Dividend . . . . .
Insurance liabilities 1 833 2 001 2 107 3 049 5 878
Other liabilities 9 558 6 352 21 866 14 223 7 133
Financial derivates 6 278 4 745 2 235 2 643 1 929
Total liabilities 893 106 907 309 952 963 955 367 978 845
Number of companies 21 21 21 21 21
Loan with mortgage on dwelling 10 497 10 236 12 387 12 764 13 071
Net tehcnical provisions where the risk is borne by the policyholder 81 285 87 499 96 845 96 928 103 720

1From January 2008, new annual account regulation for insurance companies adapted to the new International FinancialReporting Standards (IFRS) was introduced. New regulation for life insurance was introduced at the same time. Bothchanges have had an impact on the content and presentation of the insurance statistics. The statistics from 2008 cannot be compared with those from previous years.
2From 2008 shares i real estate is classified as shares and not as buildings
3After adjusting to the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) valuation was introduced. Capital assets and shortterm investments are no longer separated. The statistics from 2008 can not be compared with those from previous years.
4From 2008 administrative, naturedamage and guarantee provisions are included in the equity capital
