3   Number of holdings with other acitivities related to the farm and labour input in these activities, by region, size of agricultural area in use, area of grain and oil seeds and number og dairy cows. 1999*.
Region, agricultural area by size, area of grain and oil seeds, dairy cows Holdings with other activities related to the farm Labour input in other activities related to the farm, 1 000 man- hours Number of holdings by category of activity
Transportation Hiring out rights for hunting and fishing Preaparation of own wood Camping, cabinrental, farmtourism Hiring out outbuildings or farmhouse Other activities related to the farm
The whole country                
1999* 30 800 8 800 14 800 6 000 4 400 3 100 3 400 13 100
Oslo and Akershus 1 700 400 900 100 100 100 400 600
Hedmark and Oppland 6 000 1 500 3 200 1 900 500 500 600 2 000
South Eastern Norway 5 900 2 200 3 000 1 000 600 600 900 2 800
Agder and Rogaland 3 900 1 100 1 800 500 700 400 400 2 000
Western Norway 6 000 1 600 2 600 1 100 1 300 1 000 500 2 500
Trøndelag 4 700 1 400 2 100 1 100 600 400 300 2 300
Northern Norway 2 500 600 1 200 300 600 200 200 900
Agricultural area in use                
   5-  74 decares 8 400 2 400 2 200 1 400 1 300 1 000 900 5 000
  75- 149 decares 8 500 2 600 3 800 1 700 1 300 900 900 3 600
 150- 249 decares 7 700 2 000 4 600 1 700 1 200 700 800 2 600
 250 decares and more 6 100 1 800 4 200 1 200 600 400 800 1 900
Area of grain and oil seeds                
Without grain and oil seeds 20 300 6 100 8 900 4 100 3 600 2 500 1 700 8 900
   1-  99 decares 4 300 900 1 900 800 400 200 600 2 000
 100- 199 decares 2 800 700 1 600 400 200 200 400 1 100
 200 decares and more 3 400 1 000 2 400 600 300 200 700 1 100
Number of dairy cows                
Without dairy cows 20 600 6 300 8 600 3 800 2 800 2 100 2 600 10 000
   1-   9 dairy cows 2 500 700 1 300 500 500 300 200 800
  10-  14 dairy cows 3 800 900 2 400 900 700 300 200 1 200
  15-     dairy cows 3 900 900 2 500 800 500 400 400 1 100

Explanation of symbols