Statistics Norway - home page

Credit indicator C2. November 2012
1 Domestic credit to general public. Stocks. Millions of NOK1
Actual figures Seasonally adjusted figures
C2 C1 Foreign exchange C2 C1 Foreign exchange
2010:11 3 616 155 3 403 266 212 889 3 609 550 3 403 499 206 051
2010:12 3 614 305 3 416 717 197 588 3 610 641 3 424 291 186 350
2011:1 3 635 034 3 439 962 195 072 3 636 420 3 446 571 189 849
2011:2 3 642 978 3 455 816 187 162 3 646 490 3 461 417 185 073
2011:3 3 662 448 3 476 436 186 012 3 666 498 3 478 713 187 785
2011:4 3 681 008 3 502 535 178 473 3 684 790 3 500 377 184 413
2011:5 3 712 117 3 528 959 183 158 3 705 611 3 519 783 185 828
2011:6 3 727 277 3 544 894 182 383 3 715 002 3 529 860 185 142
2011:7 3 743 271 3 557 690 185 581 3 742 537 3 553 430 189 107
2011:8 3 759 137 3 574 148 184 989 3 765 991 3 577 869 188 122
2011:9 3 794 919 3 602 309 192 610 3 801 982 3 603 312 198 670
2011:10 3 810 444 3 626 420 184 024 3 813 147 3 629 711 183 436
2011:11 3 841 571 3 650 929 190 642 3 834 877 3 651 159 183 718
2011:12 3 863 354 3 666 501 196 853 3 860 531 3 674 899 185 632
2012:1 3 888 963 3 697 530 191 433 3 890 154 3 704 369 185 785
2012:2 3 901 513 3 718 830 182 683 3 905 519 3 724 689 180 830
2012:3 3 913 014 3 730 785 182 229 3 917 278 3 733 055 184 223
2012:4 3 928 305 3 746 235 182 070 3 932 806 3 743 736 189 070
2012:5 3 964 467 3 776 546 187 921 3 957 138 3 766 440 190 698
2012:6 3 992 385 3 804 425 187 960 3 978 989 3 788 659 190 330
2012:7 4 005 375 3 817 535 187 840 4 004 593 3 813 113 191 480
2012:8 4 014 093 3 834 573 179 520 4 020 489 3 838 840 181 649
2012:9 4 034 479 3 856 932 177 547 4 041 815 3 858 182 183 633
2012:10 4 059 643 3 884 145 175 498 4 062 903 3 887 327 175 576
2012:11 4 093 244 3 917 787 175 457 4 086 294 3 918 024 168 270

1As from 1 January 2012, the Norwegian institutional sector classification has been revised in line with the international classification. This change implies a break in the statistics from March 2012. For further information, see "Institutional sector classification 2012"
