Statistics Norway - home page

Credit indicator C2. November 2012
5 C2 debtors. Stocks. Millions of NOK1
Credit to
Credit to
Credit to
2010:11 288 427 1 224 659 2 103 069
2010:12 294 040 1 212 821 2 107 444
2011:1 296 966 1 220 595 2 117 473
2011:2 303 626 1 214 649 2 124 703
2011:3 305 667 1 220 333 2 136 448
2011:4 307 444 1 223 184 2 150 380
2011:5 311 153 1 234 672 2 166 292
2011:6 309 192 1 237 354 2 180 731
2011:7 308 292 1 243 241 2 191 738
2011:8 308 991 1 247 337 2 202 809
2011:9 313 263 1 259 416 2 222 240
2011:10 315 676 1 259 127 2 235 641
2011:11 316 325 1 272 010 2 253 236
2011:12 319 834 1 282 917 2 260 603
2012:1 323 914 1 294 178 2 270 871
2012:2 327 351 1 294 418 2 279 744
2012:3 330 026 1 336 525 2 246 463
2012:4 331 056 1 341 245 2 256 004
2012:5 332 045 1 354 963 2 277 459
2012:6 334 877 1 362 709 2 294 799
2012:7 334 605 1 363 250 2 307 520
2012:8 337 369 1 358 177 2 318 547
2012:9 336 442 1 366 171 2 331 866
2012:10 337 618 1 372 162 2 349 863
2012:11 343 577 1 379 951 2 369 716

1As from 1 January 2012, the Norwegian institutional sector classification has been revised in line with the international classification. This change implies a break in the statistics from March 2012. For further information, see "Institutional sector classification 2012"
