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Business Tendency Survey, 4. Qrt. 2012
10 Manufacturing, Mining and Quarrying; judgements by end of quarter (1). Per cent
  At the end of 3. Quarter 2012 At the end of 4. Quarter 2012
Better/ relatively large/ larger than normal/ too large/ yes/up Same/ even/ normal/ no change Worse/ too small/ less than normal/ no/down Balance Irrelev. - non- response Better/ relatively large/ larger than normal/ too large/ yes/up Same/ even/ normal/ no change Worse/ too small/ less than normal/ no/down Balance Irrelev. - non- response
How is the size of the stock of orders compared to the current level of production 58  33  -30  53  37  -36  -
The stock of orders for export is for the time being 38  21  -13  39  20  -12  1
Inventories of raw materials, semi-fabricated goods etc ..  ..  ..  ..  ..  ..  ..  ..  ..  ..
Inventories of own products ment for sale 19  62  18  19  58  21  -1  2
How does the enterprise evaluate the inventories of raw materials, semi-fabricated goods etc. compared to the current level of production ..  ..  ..  ..  ..  ..  ..  ..  ..  ..
How does the enterprise evaluate the inventories of own products compared to the value of sales ..  ..  ..  ..  ..  ..  ..  ..  ..  ..
Does the enterprise consider changes in plans for investments in fixed capital assets 10  83  11  80  1
A general judgement for the enterprise of the outlook for the next quarter compared to the situation in the current quarter 28  54  18  10  19  61  20  -1  0