Statistics Norway
29 Gross fixed capital formation by type of capital goods and by industry. At current prices. Million kroner
  1997 1998 1999 98:2 98:3 98:4 99:1 99:2 99:3 99:4
Gross fixed capital formation 252 094 276 925 265 214 66 673 71 913 75 905 59 995 62 313 72 759 70 147
Building and construction 95 027 100 860 103 607 23 978 26 125 27 649 22 424 24 460 27 406 29 317
Oil exploraion, drilling, pipelines 27 939 32 821 28 426 8 699 8 686 7 899 7 775 8 088 6 667 5 896
Oil platforms etc 32 135 40 023 35 887 10 318 10 796 11 219 9 181 9 118 11 167 6 421
Ships and boats 16 266 14 564 13 581 1 943 3 414 3 257 1 724 769 7 185 3 903
Other transport equipment 24 289 24 865 20 503 6 453 6 204 6 828 4 581 4 762 5 173 5 987
Machinery and equipment 56 438 63 792 63 210 15 282 16 689 19 053 14 311 15 115 15 161 18 623
Agriculture and hunting 6 275 6 286 6 251 1 941 1 875 1 449 1 014 1 930 1 863 1 444
Forestry and logging 1 022 1 050 1 061 268 262 265 262 267 263 269
Fishing and fish farming 2 423 2 187 3 470 460 492 336 393 588 1 707 782
Oil and gas extraction incl. services 54 082 70 150 64 603 18 238 18 698 19 204 16 445 16 874 18 233 13 051
Oil and gas extraction 53 607 70 277 61 732 18 136 18 684 19 109 16 425 16 868 15 455 12 984
Service activities incidental to oil and gas ext 475 -127 2 871 102 14 95 20 6 2 778 67
Mining and quarrying 242 328 361 101 73 117 38 76 86 161
Manufacturing 17 668 18 961 14 850 4 393 5 136 6 089 2 846 3 500 3 613 4 891
Food products, beverages and tobacco 3 279 3 457 3 135 799 1 014 978 613 705 792 1 026
Textiles,wearing apparel, leather 205 147 124 48 29 45 33 26 26 38
Wood and wood products 770 559 497 164 155 140 109 119 124 146
Pulp, paper and paper products 1 500 1 796 1 241 638 449 402 175 412 319 334
Publishing, printing, reproduction 1 529 2 225 1 961 392 660 791 433 402 340 785
Refined petroleum products 227 135 56 36 18 37 13 23 9 11
Basic chemicals 1 520 1 914 1 269 324 621 753 210 332 288 438
Chemical and mineral products 2 359 2 211 1 893 523 480 674 340 375 567 611
Basic metals 2 313 1 473 1 315 389 344 443 278 351 309 377
Machinery and other equipment n.e.c 2 499 3 177 2 020 658 880 1 201 381 492 477 669
Building of ships, oil platforms and moduls 909 1 127 621 227 285 401 159 124 107 231
Furniture and other manufacturing n.e.c 558 740 719 194 201 224 101 139 255 224
Electricity and gas supply 4 132 4 473 4 535 1 134 1 258 1 337 794 1 096 1 044 1 602
Construction 2 751 2 923 2 469 754 719 736 621 622 571 656
Service industries excl. general government 125 547 129 377 124 767 29 205 33 577 33 871 27 873 28 004 34 727 34 164
Wholesale and retail trade 25 708 28 573 27 818 7 169 7 203 7 415 6 320 6 583 6 904 8 012
Hotels and restaurants 2 553 2 743 2 512 688 695 685 636 622 629 625
Transport via pipelines 8 167 8 387 4 695 2 113 2 548 1 718 2 022 1 436 1 064 173
Water transport 14 056 12 601 10 395 1 559 2 995 2 888 1 353 214 5 601 3 226
Ocean transport 13 016 11 726 9 661 1 385 2 807 2 695 1 240 155 5 260 3 007
Inland water and costal transport 1 040 874 734 174 188 193 113 60 341 220
Other transport industries 16 067 14 954 14 016 2 533 4 139 4 648 3 409 3 743 3 246 3 617
Post and telecommunications 6 844 8 084 10 520 1 486 2 099 3 156 2 038 2 101 2 529 3 852
Financial intermediation 3 908 3 500 3 607 907 852 852 775 851 995 986
Dwelling service 30 394 31 283 31 833 7 701 8 194 7 916 6 786 7 635 8 785 8 627
Business services etc 10 916 12 200 12 308 3 254 3 086 2 870 2 883 3 072 3 164 3 190
Personal services 6 934 7 052 7 063 1 795 1 766 1 723 1 650 1 746 1 811 1 855
General government 37 952 41 189 42 846 10 180 9 823 12 502 9 708 9 358 10 652 13 128
Central government 15 240 17 654 16 814 4 767 3 832 5 572 4 058 3 395 4 029 5 332
Civilian central government 11 118 14 191 13 107 4 051 3 117 4 304 3 375 2 766 3 031 3 935
Defence 4 122 3 463 3 707 716 715 1 268 683 629 998 1 397
Local government 22 712 23 535 26 032 5 413 5 991 6 930 5 650 5 963 6 623 7 796
Mainland Norway 176 829 186 662 186 255 44 937 47 860 52 288 40 288 43 849 48 202 53 916
Education 10 613 8 867 8 477 2 332 2 054 2 210 2 227 2 173 1 926 2 152
Health and social work 8 094 10 470 11 835 2 329 2 604 3 265 2 604 2 593 2 969 3 670