Statistics Norway
2 Final expenditure and gross domestic product. At constant 1997-prices. Million kroner
  1998 1999 99:1 99:2 99:3 99:4 0:1
Final consumption exp. of households and NPISHs 537 897 550 706 129 638 132 131 141 509 147 428 132 656
Household of final consumption expenditure 512 189 525 047 123 279 125 751 135 043 140 974 126 328
Goods 290 993 294 454 68 830 67 963 74 249 83 411 70 629
Services 215 059 222 886 52 986 56 197 58 838 54 865 54 089
Direct purchases abroad by resident households 22 092 23 551 4 599 5 708 7 925 5 319 4 763
Direct purchases by non-residents -15 955 -15 843 -3 135 -4 118 -5 970 -2 620 -3 153
Final consumption exp of NPISHs1 25 708 25 659 6 358 6 381 6 466 6 454 6 328
Final consumption exp of general government 226 635 232 745 56 512 58 431 59 220 58 581 59 063
Final consumption exp of central government 88 783 90 858 22 316 22 697 23 032 22 812 22 855
Central government, civilian 65 144 66 971 16 463 16 690 16 977 16 841 16 937
Central government, defence 23 639 23 887 5 853 6 007 6 055 5 971 5 918
Final consumption exp. of local government 137 852 141 887 34 196 35 734 36 188 35 769 36 208
Gross fixed capital formation 266 693 251 692 57 607 58 695 69 985 65 404 57 954
Petroleum activities 74 925 65 455 17 674 17 337 18 211 12 233 11 138
Ocean transport 12 040 10 331 1 264 70 5 827 3 170 4 620
Mainland Norway 179 729 175 905 38 669 41 288 45 948 50 001 42 196
Mainland Norway excl. general goverment 139 902 135 579 29 419 32 452 35 893 37 815 32 871
Manufacturing and mining 18 694 14 609 2 794 3 433 3 574 4 808 2 613
Production of other goods 16 386 17 382 3 001 4 383 5 453 4 546 3 536
Dwelling service 30 117 29 455 6 375 7 090 8 117 7 873 7 057
Other services 74 705 74 132 17 249 17 546 18 749 20 588 19 666
General government 39 827 40 327 9 250 8 836 10 054 12 187 9 324
Changes in stocks and stat. discrepancies 37 916 23 710 13 754 6 847 -299 3 408 12 859
Gross capital formation 304 609 275 402 71 361 65 542 69 687 68 812 70 812
Final domestic use of goods and services 1 069 141 1 058 853 257 511 256 105 270 416 274 821 262 531
Final demand from Mainland Norway2 944 261 959 356 224 819 231 850 246 677 256 010 233 914
Final demand from general government3 266 462 273 072 65 763 67 267 69 275 70 768 68 387
Total exports 449 294 457 092 112 198 111 567 113 258 120 070 116 477
Traditional goods 174 745 179 269 44 542 42 917 42 988 48 823 46 339
Crude oil and natural gas 157 716 157 634 38 955 38 509 37 763 42 407 43 402
Ships and oil platforms 11 131 13 464 2 558 4 178 3 662 3 065 643
Services 105 702 106 726 26 143 25 962 28 846 25 775 26 093
Total use of goods and services 1 518 435 1 515 945 369 709 367 671 383 674 394 891 379 008
Total imports 400 341 388 079 94 675 94 098 99 420 99 888 92 869
Traditional goods 259 874 254 567 64 551 61 394 59 903 68 719 62 872
Crude oil 1 785 2 030 386 541 527 575 137
Ships and oil platforms 30 423 19 847 3 420 4 451 8 017 3 959 4 249
Services 108 259 111 636 26 317 27 712 30 972 26 635 25 612
Gross domestic product4 1 118 094 1 127 865 275 034 273 573 284 254 295 003 286 139
Mainland Norway(market prices) 922 764 930 345 225 590 226 472 236 335 241 949 231 901
Petroleum activities and ocean transport 195 330 197 520 49 445 47 102 47 919 53 054 54 238
Mainland Norway (basic prices) 800 101 808 390 197 240 197 250 205 039 208 862 203 729
Mainland Norway excl. general government 630 010 634 253 155 083 153 583 160 881 164 705 159 083
Manufacturing and mining 124 891 121 136 31 436 30 298 28 403 30 999 31 696
Production of other goods 88 369 88 993 21 671 18 225 25 384 23 714 22 355
Services industries 416 750 424 124 101 977 105 061 107 094 109 992 105 032
General government 170 091 174 138 42 157 43 666 44 158 44 157 44 646
Correction items 122 663 121 955 28 349 29 222 31 296 33 087 28 172