Statistics Norway
9 Production. At current prices. Million kroner
  1998 1999 99:1 99:2 99:3 99:4 0:1
Total production 1 869 845 1 973 279 466 351 478 842 498 357 529 729 536 254
Agriculture and hunting 24 932 24 211 4 402 5 080 9 782 4 945 4 183
Forestry and logging 4 038 3 971 826 1 100 976 1 070 779
Fishing and fish farming 21 000 21 878 5 382 4 845 5 297 6 355 4 542
Oil and gas extraction incl. services 149 028 200 569 35 911 41 535 54 167 68 956 79 350
Oil and gas extraction 138 418 190 807 33 111 39 210 51 343 67 142 76 295
Service activities incidental to oil and gas ext 10 610 9 762 2 800 2 325 2 824 1 813 3 055
Mining and quarrying 5 616 5 558 1 283 1 348 1 459 1 468 1 395
Manufacturing 436 406 427 782 108 921 105 737 101 627 111 498 116 875
Food products, beverages and tobacco 94 790 90 064 23 332 21 999 21 118 23 615 23 668
Textiles,wearing apparel, leather 5 937 5 284 1 510 1 373 1 092 1 309 1 416
Wood and wood products 16 958 16 049 3 957 4 098 3 740 4 254 4 424
Pulp, paper and paper products 19 352 18 858 4 900 4 623 4 552 4 783 5 076
Publishing, printing, reproduction 32 041 31 302 7 748 7 857 7 619 8 078 8 644
Refined petroleum products 15 779 18 384 3 619 3 218 5 432 6 115 6 644
Basic chemicals 22 626 22 264 5 754 5 249 5 489 5 771 5 835
Chemical and mineral products 32 122 32 053 8 020 8 157 7 456 8 420 8 866
Basic metals 40 320 40 403 9 767 9 882 9 980 10 774 11 798
Machinery and other equipment n.e.c 88 516 87 379 23 225 22 528 20 027 21 599 23 419
Building of ships, oil platforms and moduls 54 784 53 432 13 772 13 707 12 474 13 480 13 930
Furniture and other manufacturing n.e.c 13 181 12 311 3 317 3 046 2 648 3 301 3 156
Electricity and gas supply 32 105 32 636 10 389 6 679 6 195 9 373 10 267
Construction 131 352 134 734 32 140 33 806 33 427 35 360 32 927
Service industries excl.general government 805 511 844 299 200 149 209 644 214 838 219 668 213 973
Wholesale and retail trade 164 635 171 688 40 021 40 481 42 918 48 268 42 003
Hotels and restaurants 34 496 36 050 7 638 9 371 10 416 8 625 7 821
Transport via pipelines 14 920 15 731 4 058 3 802 3 746 4 126 4 477
Water transport 67 553 69 074 15 782 16 485 17 774 19 032 19 089
Ocean transport 62 288 63 399 14 552 15 021 16 253 17 572 17 713
Inland water and costal transport 5 265 5 675 1 230 1 464 1 521 1 460 1 376
Other transport activities 103 281 110 945 24 551 29 154 29 844 27 397 26 503
Post and telecommunications 38 096 42 573 10 153 10 690 10 159 11 571 10 770
Financial intermediation 62 478 62 949 15 417 15 412 15 942 16 177 16 327
Dwelling services 83 691 87 112 21 363 21 742 21 905 22 101 22 571
Business services etc 138 471 145 118 36 179 36 725 36 219 35 995 38 192
Personal services 97 889 103 060 24 987 25 781 25 915 26 377 26 218
General government 259 857 277 641 66 947 69 067 70 590 71 036 71 963
Central government 90 661 96 249 23 363 23 870 24 408 24 608 24 855
Civilian central government 66 365 70 989 17 267 17 545 18 015 18 161 18 437
Defence 24 296 25 260 6 096 6 325 6 393 6 447 6 418
Local government 169 196 181 392 43 584 45 197 46 183 46 428 47 109
Mainland Norway 1 643 608 1 693 580 411 829 418 484 424 192 439 075 434 714
Market producers 1 493 786 1 575 657 370 114 379 957 397 356 428 230 433 739
Non-market producers 376 059 397 621 96 237 98 885 101 001 101 499 102 515
Education 61 447 65 512 15 575 16 653 16 267 17 017 17 172
Health and social work 117 527 125 765 30 416 31 012 32 365 31 973 32 087