Statistics Norway
33 Exports of goods and services. At current prices. Million kroner
  1998 1999 99:1 99:2 99:3 99:4 0:1
Total exports 412 140 465 513 99 388 107 588 121 060 137 476 144 192
Goods 306 061 356 025 74 155 81 124 90 942 109 803 115 723
Crude oil and natural gas 118 304 161 397 27 916 34 144 43 303 56 034 64 575
Ships, new 7 364 5 365 1 536 2 911 502 416 137
Ships, second-hand 2 897 2 674 701 869 346 758 387
Oil platforms and modules, new 66 4 617 5 17 2 760 1 835 17
Oil platforms, second-hand 523 144 48 98 41 -43 10
Direct exports related to petroleum activities 127 260 57 83 85 35 34
Other goods 176 780 181 568 43 892 43 002 43 905 50 768 50 563
Agriculture, forestry and fishing 8 830 9 439 2 089 2 074 2 328 2 948 2 474
Mining and quarrying 2 409 2 255 513 615 545 582 579
Manufacturing products 165 114 169 003 41 191 40 187 40 588 47 036 47 157
Food products, beverages and tobacco 23 769 24 502 6 272 5 274 5 540 7 416 5 779
Textiles, wearing apparel, leather 2 460 2 502 635 577 612 678 596
Wood products 2 827 3 214 776 826 758 854 819
Pulp, paper and paper products 12 074 12 121 3 148 2 872 2 967 3 134 3 184
Printing and publishing 625 779 195 193 190 201 179
Refined petroleum products 13 837 16 715 2 646 3 267 4 409 6 393 6 401
Basic chemicals 13 727 13 508 3 179 3 152 3 344 3 833 3 717
Chemical and mineral products 11 241 12 218 2 966 3 185 2 872 3 195 3 389
Basic metals 35 451 33 793 8 452 8 451 8 127 8 763 10 548
Machinery and other equipment n.e.c 45 364 45 681 11 920 11 442 10 861 11 457 11 459
Other manufacturing products n.e.c 3 739 3 970 1 002 948 908 1 112 1 086
Electricity 427 871 99 126 444 202 353
Services 106 079 109 488 25 233 26 464 30 118 27 673 28 469
Gross receipts, shipping 51 303 52 137 11 903 12 342 13 386 14 506 14 604
Petroleum activities, various services 736 768 187 182 186 213 216
Oil drilling etc 1 722 2 921 594 824 766 737 945
Pipeline transport 4 909 5 659 1 572 1 410 1 300 1 377 1 728
Travel 16 509 17 000 3 323 4 440 6 357 2 880 3 483
Other services 30 900 31 003 7 654 7 266 8 123 7 960 7 493
Transport, post and telecommunication 9 844 9 545 2 227 2 297 2 697 2 324 1 897
Financial and business services 17 162 17 471 4 479 4 016 4 308 4 668 4 562
Services n.e.c 3 894 3 987 948 953 1 118 968 1 034