Statistics Norway
21 Final consumption expenditure. At current prices. Million kroner
  1998 1999 99:1 99:2 99:3 99:4 00:1 00:2
Final consumption expenditure 790 072 830 852 195 674 201 360 212 764 221 054 207 751 214 988
Consumption in households and NPISHs1 552 591 578 330 134 881 138 510 148 516 156 423 142 089 149 603
Final consumption expenditure of households 525 488 550 315 127 984 131 589 141 466 149 276 134 930 142 394
Final consumption expenditure of NPISHs1 27 103 28 015 6 897 6 921 7 050 7 147 7 159 7 209
Final consumption exp. of general government 237 481 252 522 60 792 62 850 64 248 64 631 65 661 65 386
Final consumption exp. of central government 92 907 98 244 23 851 24 364 24 912 25 117 25 517 25 595
Central government, individual 32 485 33 315 8 065 8 313 8 460 8 477 8 879 9 022
Central government, defence 24 635 25 682 6 195 6 433 6 500 6 554 6 559 6 637
Central government, collective individual 35 786 39 247 9 591 9 618 9 952 10 086 10 079 9 936
Final consumption exp. of local government 144 574 154 278 36 941 38 486 39 337 39 514 40 144 39 790
Central government, individual 123 273 131 739 31 438 32 895 33 611 33 794 34 398 34 153
Central government, individual 21 301 22 540 5 503 5 591 5 726 5 720 5 746 5 638
Actual indiviual consumption 708 349 743 384 174 385 179 718 190 587 198 694 185 366 192 778
Actual collective consumption 81 722 87 468 21 289 21 642 22 177 22 360 22 385 22 210