Statistics Norway
5 Final expenditure and gross domestic product. Seasonally adjusted. At fixed 1997 prices. Million kroner
  1998 1999 98.4 99.1 99.2 99.3 99.4 00.1 00.2 00.3
Final consumption exp. of housh. and NPISHs 537897 550706 134435 135931 136959 138678 139124 140762 141437 141184
Household final consumption expenditure 512189 525047 128042 129589 130557 132199 132689 134342 135044 134746
Goods 290993 294454 71999 72608 72955 74287 74536 75849 75905 75481
Services 215059 222886 54342 55092 55643 56003 56089 56250 57033 57132
Direct purchases abroad by resident househ 22092 23551 5704 5845 6072 5877 5788 6191 6087 6111
-Direct purchases by non-residents -15955 -15843 -4003 -3957 -4113 -3969 -3724 -3949 -3981 -3978
Final consumption exp. of NPISHs 25708 25659 6393 6343 6402 6479 6435 6420 6393 6438
Final consump. exp. of general government 226635 232745 57086 57685 57904 58714 58483 58879 59048 59503
Final consump. exp. of central government 88783 90858 22231 22690 22571 22881 22750 22926 22886 23083
Central government, civilian 65144 66971 16343 16750 16588 16865 16801 17020 16925 17104
Central government, defence 23639 23887 5888 5940 5984 6016 5948 5906 5961 5979
Final consump. exp. of local government 137852 141887 34855 34995 35332 35834 35733 35953 36162 36420
Gross fixed capital formation 266693 251692 68020 62054 59803 69561 60050 65611 62395 57875
Petroleum activities 74925 65455 20171 18249 16885 18331 11988 13901 11968 11144
Ocean transport 12040 10331 2946 1264 70 5827 3170 5691 4879 2564
Mainland Norway 179729 175905 44904 42541 42848 45403 44892 46018 45548 44166
Mainland Norway ex. general government 139902 135579 34745 32348 33188 35292 34582 35993 35074 34392
Manufacturing and mining 18694 14609 4784 3703 3517 3581 3747 3548 4067 3327
Production of other goods 16386 17382 3758 3921 4017 5156 4271 4754 4839 4097
Dwellings 30117 29455 7112 6838 7386 7686 7473 8021 6772 7522
Other services 74705 74132 19092 17886 18268 18869 19091 19670 19396 19446
General government 39827 40327 10159 10193 9660 10111 10310 10026 10474 9775
Changes in stocks and stat. discrepancies 37916 23710 11346 11037 4864 2202 6319 7554 9380 10509
Gross capital formation 304609 275402 79366 73091 64667 71763 66368 73165 71775 68384
Final domestic use of goods and services 1069141 1058853 270887 266708 259530 269155 263975 272806 272260 269071
Final demand from mainland Norway 944261 959356 236425 236158 237710 242795 242498 245659 246033 244854
Final demand from general government 266462 273072 67245 67879 67563 68825 68793 68904 69522 69278
Total exports 449294 457092 111165 111116 113162 114614 118105 115546 114649 116233
Traditional goods 174745 179269 43473 43649 43821 44987 46682 45837 46790 45875
Crude oil and natural gas 157716 157634 39051 38064 39127 39066 41459 41647 39995 41728
Ships and oilplatforms 11131 13464 2135 2561 4171 3655 3071 656 1207 2127
Services 105702 106726 26506 26842 26042 26906 26893 27407 26657 26503
Total use of goods and services 1518435 1515945 382052 377823 372692 383769 382080 388351 386909 385305
Total imports 400341 388079 103539 97472 94742 98986 96508 99387 100186 97669
Traditional goods 259874 254567 65171 65599 61385 62446 64740 63397 67329 66959
Crude oil 1785 2030 393 386 541 527 575 133 48 386
Ships and oil platforms 30423 19847 10254 3420 4451 8017 3959 8105 5379 3150
Services 108259 111636 27722 28067 28365 27995 27234 27752 27430 27173
Gross domestic product 1118094 1127865 278513 280351 277950 284783 285572 288964 286723 287636
Mainland Norway (market prices) 922764 930345 230619 231921 230209 234540 234448 236358 236996 236116
Petroleum activities and ocean transport 195330 197520 47894 48430 47741 50243 51124 52606 49727 51520
Mainland Norway (basic prices) 800101 808390 200560 201088 200406 203866 203836 205855 205910 206113
Mainland Norway ex. general government 630010 634253 157743 157774 157142 160086 160009 161794 161778 161564
Manufacturing and mining 124891 121136 31421 30507 30059 30531 30263 30409 29300 29091
Production of other goods 88369 88993 22092 21937 22050 22987 22191 23513 23790 23504
Service industries 416750 424124 104230 105330 105033 106568 107555 107873 108687 108968
General government 170091 174138 42817 43314 43264 43780 43827 44060 44132 44550
Correction items 122663 121955 30059 30834 29803 30675 30612 30503 31086 30003