Statistics Norway
22 Final consumption expenditure. At constant 1997-prices. Million kroner
  1998 1999 2000 99:1 99:2 99:3 99:4 00:1 00:2 00:3 00:4
Final consumption expenditure 765 244 784 686 800 924 187 167 189 049 200 521 207 949 194 162 195 406 203 554 207 802
Consumption in households and NPISHs1 538 661 550 660 563 628 129 671 131 736 141 179 148 075 133 600 138 212 143 459 148 357
Final consumption expenditure of households 512 647 524 625 537 524 123 205 125 270 134 653 141 496 127 024 131 711 136 926 141 863
Final consumption expenditure of NPISHs1 26 014 26 035 26 103 6 466 6 465 6 526 6 578 6 576 6 501 6 533 6 493
Final consumption exp. of general government 226 583 234 026 237 296 57 496 57 313 59 342 59 875 60 562 57 194 60 095 59 446
Final consumption exp. of central government 89 296 92 406 93 204 22 852 22 708 23 374 23 472 23 669 22 690 23 320 23 525
Central government, individual 31 154 33 768 34 586 8 300 8 340 8 569 8 559 8 687 8 465 8 684 8 749
Central government, defence 24 337 24 367 23 385 6 009 6 054 6 168 6 136 5 921 5 764 5 841 5 859
Central government, collective individual 33 804 34 272 35 234 8 543 8 314 8 638 8 777 9 061 8 462 8 796 8 916
Final consumption exp. of local government 137 287 141 620 144 092 34 644 34 605 35 968 36 403 36 893 34 504 36 774 35 921
Central government, individual 118 810 123 034 125 351 30 052 30 095 31 228 31 658 32 068 30 025 32 073 31 185
Central government, individual 18 477 18 586 18 741 4 592 4 510 4 740 4 744 4 825 4 479 4 701 4 736
Actual indiviual consumption 688 625 707 462 723 564 168 024 170 171 180 975 188 292 174 355 176 702 184 216 188 291
Actual collective consumption 76 618 77 224 77 360 19 144 18 878 19 545 19 658 19 807 18 704 19 338 19 511