Statistics Norway
26 Final consumption expenditure of households. At constant 1997-prices. Million kroner
  1999 2000 00:1 00:2 00:3 00:4 01:1 01:2 01:3
Final consumption expenditure of households 524 625 537 524 127 024 131 711 136 926 141 863 129 430 134 135 139 442
Food, beverages and tobacco 101 929 102 341 23 698 25 611 25 619 27 413 24 064 25 879 25 834
Clothing and footwear 34 851 36 496 7 936 8 664 9 249 10 646 8 055 9 358 9 614
Housing, water, electr, gas and other fuels 112 449 112 523 29 535 27 251 26 743 28 994 30 589 27 921 27 092
Furnishings, household equipment etc 33 703 35 525 8 194 7 647 8 900 10 784 8 378 7 791 9 068
Health 14 253 14 727 3 515 3 658 3 698 3 857 3 615 3 743 3 825
Transport 83 733 85 798 20 002 22 612 23 207 19 977 19 739 22 629 23 833
Leisure, entertainment and culture 52 064 53 900 12 370 12 587 13 881 15 062 12 583 12 578 14 007
Education 2 471 2 456 587 530 674 665 588 535 654
Hotels, cafes and restaurants 31 305 30 827 6 575 7 563 9 358 7 331 6 237 7 240 8 993
Miscellaneous goods and services 50 194 54 221 13 050 13 570 13 346 14 255 13 853 14 265 14 101
Direct purchases abroad by resident households 23 552 24 438 4 669 6 011 8 269 5 490 4 725 6 118 8 385
- Direct purchases by non-residents -15 879 -15 727 -3 106 -3 992 -6 018 -2 611 -2 996 -3 921 -5 964
Goods 295 110 300 716 70 884 72 595 74 863 82 374 71 559 73 408 75 892
Services 221 842 228 097 54 577 57 098 59 812 56 611 56 142 58 530 61 129
Services, dwellings 90 111 91 180 22 610 22 718 22 826 23 026 23 036 23 146 23 218
Other services 131 730 136 917 31 967 34 379 36 986 33 585 33 106 35 384 37 911