Statistics Norway
5 Final expenditure and gross domestic product. Seasonally adjusted figures. At constant 1999-prices. Million kroner2
  2000 2001 00:3 00:4 01:1 01:2 01:3 01:4 02:1
Final consumption expenditure                  
of households and NPISHs 604 894 619 828 152 168 151 102 153 187 154 971 156 164 155 374 157 215
Household final consumption exp 579 806 594 720 145 964 144 819 146 822 148 653 149 874 149 233 150 767
Goods 323 787 331 261 81 427 80 391 81 529 82 634 82 896 84 092 84 631
Services 247 270 254 712 62 427 62 001 62 883 63 743 64 666 63 457 64 033
Direct purchases abroad by resident households 26 089 26 065 6 555 6 476 6 667 6 555 6 688 6 057 6 116
Direct purchases by non-residents -17 340 -17 317 -4 446 -4 050 -4 257 -4 278 -4 376 -4 372 -4 014
Final consumption exp. of NPISHs 25 088 25 108 6 205 6 283 6 365 6 318 6 290 6 141 6 448
Final consumption exp. of general                  
government 266 784 272 179 66 271 66 795 67 367 67 923 68 460 68 959 70 340
Final consumption exp. of central government 105 948 107 664 26 040 26 258 26 916 26 953 27 005 27 301 37 623
Central government, civilian 81 256 83 875 19 920 20 188 20 914 21 030 21 137 21 310 31 513
Central government, defence 24 692 23 789 6 120 6 071 6 002 5 923 5 868 5 991 6 110
Final consumption exp. of local government 160 829 164 513 40 231 40 537 40 451 40 970 41 455 41 658 32 718
Gross fixed capital formation 267 774 255 527 62 872 61 831 65 115 62 454 60 460 61 607 59 655
Extraction and transport via pipelines 47 929 51 362 10 579 9 770 10 708 10 054 11 489 13 337 10 954
Services activities incidential to extraction 6 573 -897 476 470 253 1 034 295 -2 479 194
Ocean transport 16 298 8 672 3 226 1 917 4 112 1 283 679 2 597 535
Mainland-Norway 196 974 196 390 48 591 49 675 50 042 50 083 47 996 48 153 47 972
Mainland-Norway) excl. general government 158 114 159 189 38 990 39 859 40 255 41 000 38 945 38 788 38 651
Manufacturing and mining 19 620 22 457 5 022 4 544 4 823 5 760 5 738 5 967 5 417
Production of other goods 15 832 15 601 3 885 3 708 3 947 3 742 3 920 3 884 3 792
Dwelling service (households) 47 830 50 288 11 877 12 230 12 358 12 538 12 680 12 689 12 391
Other services 74 832 70 842 18 206 19 378 19 126 18 960 16 607 16 248 17 051
General government 38 860 37 201 9 601 9 816 9 787 9 082 9 051 9 364 9 321
Changes in stocks and stat. discrepancies 29 300 18 583 9 923 8 951 6 631 7 856 4 986 4 620 5 997
Gross capital formation 297 074 274 110 72 795 70 782 71 746 70 310 65 445 66 227 65 652
Final domestic use of goods and services 1 168 745 1 166 114 291 234 288 679 292 300 293 204 290 069 290 560 293 207
Final demand from Mainland-Norway                  
(excl. changes in stocks) 1 068 645 1 088 395 267 030 267 572 270 596 272 977 272 620 272 486 275 527
Final demand from general government 305 637 309 377 75 872 76 611 77 155 77 006 77 510 78 323 79 661
Total exports 500 366 521 299 124 569 128 760 128 552 127 094 131 199 134 598 126 796
Traditional goods 188 774 196 328 47 066 47 958 48 985 49 490 47 383 50 506 49 461
Crude oil and natural gas 169 668 178 502 42 794 42 806 44 060 42 005 46 476 46 009 42 469
Ships and oil platforms 8 892 14 178 3 068 2 892 2 399 2 864 3 867 5 049 3 217
Services 133 032 132 291 31 640 35 103 33 109 32 735 33 473 33 034 31 649
Total use of goods and services 1 669 111 1 687 413 415 803 417 439 420 852 420 298 421 268 425 158 420 003
Total imports 406 472 406 535 100 856 99 537 102 037 101 865 100 022 102 307 98 075
Traditional goods 260 826 271 200 66 204 65 583 66 988 68 891 66 679 68 482 69 988
Crude oil 1 009 1 034 409 408 233 224 194 382 103
Ships and oil platforms 22 592 12 112 4 566 2 384 3 907 1 753 2 928 3 524 657
Services 122 045 122 188 29 677 31 163 30 908 30 997 30 221 29 918 27 326
Gross domestic product1 1 262 638 1 280 878 314 947 317 902 318 815 318 433 321 245 322 851 321 928
Mainland-Norway (market values) 1 055 393 1 068 415 263 690 265 385 266 965 266 065 266 804 269 031 272 082
Petroleum activities and ocean transport 207 245 212 464 51 257 52 517 51 850 52 368 54 441 53 820 49 845
Mainland-Norway (basic values) 915 769 930 088 229 031 230 398 232 156 231 185 232 129 234 607 237 584
Mainland-Norway excl. 711 897 723 906 178 122 179 272 180 856 179 901 180 650 182 745 184 630
Manufacturing and mining 134 200 132 701 33 518 33 346 33 257 33 278 32 858 33 255 32 668
Production of other goods 102 805 98 808 25 906 25 082 25 259 24 147 23 872 25 080 24 932
Service activities 474 893 492 397 118 698 120 843 122 341 122 476 123 920 124 410 127 030
General government 203 871 206 182 50 909 51 126 51 300 51 284 51 479 51 862 52 954
Correction items 139 624 138 326 34 659 34 987 34 809 34 880 34 675 34 424 34 498