Statistics Norway
21 Final consumption expenditure of households. At current prices. Million kroner
  1999 2000 2001 00:3 00:4 01:1 01:2 01:3 01:4 02:1
Final consumption expenditure of                    
households 559 490 598 347 623 219 152 188 159 703 147 299 153 778 156 136 166 006 150 485
Food and non-alcoholic beverages 84 709 89 185 89 302 22 571 23 416 21 755 23 043 21 395 23 110 21 462
Alcoholic beverages and tobacco, etc 27 389 29 022 30 145 7 073 8 749 6 208 7 705 7 324 8 908 6 470
Clothing and footwear 32 794 33 781 35 403 8 396 10 027 7 404 8 562 8 561 10 876 7 456
Housing, water, electricity, fuels 108 761 112 415 122 959 26 683 28 956 32 409 29 723 28 873 31 955 32 803
Furnishings, household equipment 34 159 36 300 37 374 9 088 10 752 8 547 8 240 9 306 11 281 8 902
Health 15 067 15 966 16 943 3 951 4 233 3 971 4 214 4 234 4 524 4 134
Transport 82 645 88 525 89 662 23 524 20 965 20 675 23 705 24 090 21 193 20 792
Communication 14 332 16 174 17 822 4 095 4 320 4 310 4 433 4 489 4 590 4 456
Recreation and culture 71 846 76 493 79 017 19 427 21 421 18 477 18 389 19 993 22 158 19 409
Edication 2 746 2 813 2 975 705 726 712 720 746 797 798
Restaurants and hotels 38 152 41 114 43 324 12 002 10 348 9 070 10 635 12 638 10 981 9 635
Mocellaneous goods and services 39 753 47 951 50 320 12 464 12 934 12 118 12 427 12 233 13 542 12 636
Direct purchases abroad by resident                    
households 25 913 26 676 26 326 9 035 5 970 5 181 6 655 9 028 5 462 4 868
Direct purchases in Norway by non-res.                    
households -18 776 -18 067 -18 352 -6 825 -3 116 -3 537 -4 672 -6 773 -3 370 -3 337
Goods 1 313 384 330 495 340 235 81 924 91 025 79 933 83 292 82 383 94 627 79 828
Services 1 238 969 259 243 275 010 68 054 65 823 65 721 68 504 71 498 69 287 69 126
Dwellings 88 372 91 003 95 424 22 868 22 820 23 630 23 784 23 954 24 057 24 423
Other services 150 597 168 240 179 586 45 186 43 003 42 092 44 720 47 544 45 230 44 704