Statistics Norway
22 Final consumption expenditure of households. At constant 1999-prices. Million kroner
  1999 2000 2001 00:3 00:4 01:1 01:2 01:3 01:4 02:1
Final consumption expenditure of                    
households 559 490 579 806 594 720 146 752 153 509 140 007 145 231 150 274 159 208 142 792
Food and non-alcoholic beverages 84 709 87 504 89 469 22 007 22 907 21 075 21 972 22 281 24 141 22 072
Alcoholic beverages and tobacco, etc 27 389 27 095 27 177 6 585 8 101 5 618 6 972 6 609 7 979 5 880
Clothing and footwear 32 794 35 269 37 263 8 955 10 210 7 875 8 953 9 179 11 256 8 425
Housing, water, electricity, fuels 108 761 109 013 111 320 26 092 27 831 29 369 27 048 26 342 28 561 29 011
Furnishings, household equipment 34 159 36 135 36 843 9 046 10 698 8 431 8 082 9 192 11 138 8 771
Health 15 067 15 500 15 984 3 816 4 067 3 769 3 974 3 991 4 250 3 870
Transport 82 645 83 011 82 037 21 760 19 516 19 078 21 318 21 917 19 724 18 952
Communication 14 332 16 869 19 509 4 287 4 525 4 700 4 820 4 929 5 061 4 875
Recreation and culture 71 846 75 703 77 849 19 132 21 224 18 188 17 984 19 649 22 029 18 946
Edication 2 746 2 675 2 647 669 669 654 661 664 668 667
Restaurants and hotels 38 152 39 787 40 159 11 568 9 889 8 535 9 929 11 658 10 037 8 712
Mocellaneous goods and services 39 753 42 495 45 715 10 524 10 974 11 015 11 326 11 276 12 097 10 873
Direct purchases abroad by resident                    
households 25 913 26 089 26 065 8 819 5 863 5 046 6 538 9 009 5 471 4 880
Direct purchases in Norway by non-res.                    
households -18 776 -17 340 -17 317 -6 507 -2 965 -3 347 -4 345 -6 421 -3 205 -3 141
Goods 1 313 384 323 787 331 261 80 378 88 847 76 692 79 376 81 669 93 523 78 551
Services 1 238 969 247 270 254 712 64 061 61 765 61 615 63 662 66 016 63 419 62 501
Dwellings 88 372 89 396 90 504 22 403 22 390 22 536 22 604 22 691 22 672 22 828
Other services 150 597 157 874 164 208 41 658 39 375 39 079 41 058 43 325 40 746 39 673