Statistics Norway - home page

21 Final consumption expenditure of households. At current prices. Million kroner
  2001 2002 01:1 01:2 01:3 01:4 02:1 02:2 02:3 02:4
Final consumption expenditure of                    
households 629 292 654 796 147 948 154 625 158 833 167 886 152 085 159 410 165 651 177 650
Food and non-alcoholic beverages 89 840 91 521 21 838 23 173 21 510 23 320 21 561 22 389 22 893 24 678
Alcoholic beverages and tobacco, etc 29 647 29 673 6 132 7 585 7 219 8 711 6 380 7 312 7 219 8 762
Clothing and footwear 35 992 37 214 7 512 8 707 8 705 11 067 7 578 9 480 8 744 11 413
Housing, water, electricity, fuels 127 909 133 580 33 521 30 893 30 092 33 404 34 519 31 592 30 939 36 530
Furnishings, household equipment 39 363 40 782 8 999 8 688 9 796 11 879 9 372 9 296 10 129 11 985
Health 17 497 18 764 4 103 4 352 4 357 4 686 4 230 4 713 4 708 5 113
Transport 92 088 93 461 21 324 24 272 24 482 22 010 21 317 24 662 24 733 22 749
Communication 16 571 17 215 3 985 4 103 4 182 4 301 4 145 4 194 4 352 4 524
Recreation and culture 81 756 88 304 19 019 18 943 20 554 23 240 20 221 20 656 22 291 25 137
Education 3 236 3 614 780 782 811 862 889 890 904 930
Restaurants and hotels 39 900 42 648 8 354 9 790 11 682 10 074 9 166 10 418 12 365 10 699
Miscellaneous goods and services 47 317 49 162 11 250 11 700 11 750 12 616 11 525 12 313 12 217 13 107
Direct purchases abroad by resident                    
households 26 795 27 133 5 209 6 610 9 450 5 526 5 034 6 532 9 759 5 808
Direct purchases in Norway by non-res.                    
households -18 619 -18 275 -4 078 -4 974 -5 755 -3 812 -3 852 -5 037 -5 600 -3 786
Goods 1 345 148 353 343 81 008 84 472 83 602 96 067 80 956 85 076 85 813 101 498
Services 1 275 967 292 595 65 810 68 517 71 537 70 104 69 947 72 839 75 679 74 130
Dwellings 100 411 106 319 24 740 24 967 25 191 25 512 26 132 26 469 26 812 26 907
Other services 175 556 186 275 41 069 43 549 46 346 44 592 43 815 46 369 48 867 47 223