Statistics Norway - home page

32 Final consumption of households. Seasonally adjusted. At constant 2002-prices. Million kroner
  2002 2003 02:4 03:1 03:2 03:3 03:4 04:1 04:2 04:3
Final consumption expenditure of households 652 300 670 511 164 813 164 175 167 058 168 913 170 054 173 040 173 217 174 593
Food and non-alcoholic beverages 92 695 93 110 23 244 23 039 23 458 23 344 23 325 23 676 23 040 23 189
Alcoholic beverages and tobacco, etc 29 863 29 209 7 507 7 175 7 303 7 402 7 293 7 425 7 253 7 240
Clothing and footwear 36 995 42 712 9 727 9 915 10 509 10 986 11 154 11 709 11 881 12 073
Housing, water, electricity, fuels 136 162 137 571 34 656 33 921 34 527 34 708 34 577 34 888 35 222 35 579
Furnishings, household equipment 41 353 42 831 10 379 10 348 10 704 10 827 10 900 11 113 11 249 11 365
Health 18 848 19 636 4 768 4 844 4 929 4 930 4 922 4 997 5 070 5 074
Transport 93 623 95 099 23 491 23 466 23 609 23 668 24 379 25 076 24 624 24 782
Communication 18 208 20 179 4 578 4 954 4 737 5 071 5 368 5 592 5 675 5 971
Recreation and culture 84 803 87 845 21 153 21 062 21 962 22 449 22 109 22 450 23 145 23 255
Education 3 784 3 835 957 957 951 955 971 977 969 975
Restaurants and hotels 40 433 39 338 10 288 9 895 9 806 9 726 9 925 9 792 9 660 9 490
Miscellaneous goods and services 46 462 48 203 11 709 11 691 12 024 12 108 12 365 12 239 12 369 12 365
Direct purchases abroad by resident households 27 344 29 451 6 970 7 324 7 130 7 416 7 574 8 087 8 144 8 149
Direct purchases in Norway by non-resident househo -18 273 -18 507 -4 613 -4 417 -4 592 -4 677 -4 808 -4 980 -5 083 -4 913
Goods 1 358 033 370 473 90 810 89 833 92 578 93 714 94 097 96 437 96 332 96 951
Services 1 285 196 289 095 71 646 71 435 71 941 72 460 73 191 73 496 73 824 74 406
Dwellings 108 214 110 453 27 294 27 346 27 520 27 683 27 898 28 055 28 260 28 458
Other services 176 982 178 642 44 353 44 089 44 421 44 777 45 294 45 441 45 564 45 948