Statistics Norway - home page

35 Gross fixed capital formation by type of capital goods and by industry. At constant 2002-prices. Million kroner
  2002 2003 02:4 03:1 03:2 03:3 03:4 04:1 04:2 04:3
Gross fixed capital formation 274 679 269 218 73 843 66 585 68 059 67 673 66 901 67 458 70 371 73 141
Building and construction 128 712 131 310 33 663 31 145 32 114 33 155 34 896 32 242 34 635 35 264
Oil exploraion, drilling, pipelines for oil and ga 26 701 27 211 6 989 6 583 7 314 6 905 6 409 6 970 7 620 7 189
Oil platforms etc 27 626 22 984 7 011 6 565 6 464 6 455 3 499 6 560 5 484 6 209
Ships and boats 8 742 6 963 2 991 3 613 1 408 2 263 -321 1 715 682 1 807
Other transport equipment 10 912 10 898 2 963 2 931 3 194 2 000 2 774 2 805 2 929 3 403
Machinery and equipment 71 986 69 851 20 249 15 748 17 564 16 895 19 644 17 166 19 021 19 270
Agriculture, hunting and forestry 4 636 4 933 1 162 869 1 475 1 387 1 202 844 1 424 1 343
Fishing and fish farming 2 432 3 432 768 1 265 767 936 464 401 343 615
Oil and gas extraction including services 58 242 57 671 15 502 14 009 15 608 16 072 11 982 16 155 15 724 15 996
Oil and gas extraction 52 323 59 674 14 266 13 424 15 255 15 985 15 010 16 045 15 629 15 880
Service activities incidental to oil and gas 5 919 -2 003 1 237 585 353 87 -3 028 109 95 116
Mining and quarrying 363 500 137 106 154 96 144 191 123 140
Manufacturing 22 311 18 417 6 807 3 857 4 873 4 219 5 468 3 797 4 872 5 055
Food products, beverages and tobacco 4 683 4 598 1 570 1 107 1 128 1 035 1 328 951 1 286 1 188
Textiles,wearing apparel, leather 130 160 52 72 34 34 20 15 7 20
Wood and wood products 775 1 003 188 210 306 257 230 138 223 249
Pulp, paper and paper products 746 612 207 96 159 157 201 112 174 170
Publishing, printing, reproduction 713 736 273 161 222 162 191 236 268 203
Refined petroleum, chemical and mineral products 2 610 1 956 767 388 585 408 575 402 538 526
Basic chemicals 1 364 1 548 484 315 407 299 527 273 564 875
Basic metals 5 874 3 759 1 582 625 870 981 1 283 701 807 720
Machinery and other equipment n.e.c 3 651 2 464 1 070 506 578 610 770 779 754 817
Building of ships, oil platforms and moduls 1 029 950 391 254 420 108 169 86 120 101
Furniture and other manufacturing n.e.c 736 629 221 122 164 168 175 105 132 189
Electricity and gas supply 5 978 7 965 2 094 1 193 1 941 2 024 2 808 1 532 2 195 2 279
Water supply 1 175 1 324 348 258 291 382 393 322 384 474
Construction 5 562 5 884 1 391 1 401 1 522 1 510 1 451 1 465 1 574 1 476
Wholesale and retail trade, repair of motor vehicl 11 400 11 156 3 098 2 636 2 656 2 665 3 198 2 936 3 023 2 988
Hotels and restaurants 2 336 2 227 563 513 554 581 579 486 523 550
Transport via pipelines 1 075 2 737 365 777 970 601 389 793 1 371 1 675
Ocean transport 3 811 1 878 1 374 1 384 257 828 -592 780 131 748
Other transport industries 11 267 13 633 3 314 4 045 3 741 2 564 3 283 3 176 3 097 4 063
Post and telecommunications 8 164 5 823 2 025 1 713 1 427 1 355 1 329 1 727 1 419 1 417
Financial intermediation 4 951 4 790 1 169 1 191 1 213 1 204 1 182 1 203 1 219 1 204
Dwellings (households) 55 332 52 394 13 483 13 731 12 773 12 503 13 387 14 113 14 226 14 587
Business services 27 861 23 375 7 018 6 115 5 405 5 443 6 411 6 426 6 204 6 199
Public administration and defence 16 290 16 137 4 262 3 568 4 012 4 259 4 299 4 002 4 033 3 924
Education 8 822 10 341 2 144 2 649 2 683 2 480 2 529 2 184 2 371 2 489
Health and social work 13 780 15 756 4 345 3 249 3 644 4 311 4 552 2 849 3 836 3 688
Other social and personal services 8 891 8 846 2 474 2 056 2 092 2 256 2 442 2 076 2 279 2 231
Mainland Norway 211 551 206 931 56 601 50 415 51 223 50 171 55 121 49 730 53 144 54 722
General government1 42 502 46 391 12 007 10 211 11 109 12 294 12 778 9 918 11 298 11 537
Central government1 17 999 19 625 4 898 4 341 4 653 5 244 5 387 5 074 5 713 4 863
Civilian central government 15 831 17 456 4 453 3 779 4 062 4 678 4 937 4 483 5 115 4 331
Defence 2 168 2 169 445 562 591 567 450 592 598 532
Local government1 24 503 26 766 7 109 5 870 6 456 7 049 7 391 4 844 5 585 6 673