Statistics Norway - home page

32 Final consumption of households. Seasonally adjusted. At constant 2002-prices. Million kroner
  2003 2004 03:1 03:2 03:3 03:4 04:1 04:2 04:3 04:4
Final consumption expenditure of households 670 511 698 732 164 134 167 020 169 010 170 019 172 868 173 029 174 488 177 054
Food and non-alcoholic beverages 93 110 93 110 23 042 23 461 23 335 23 324 23 676 23 046 23 181 22 964
Alcoholic beverages and tobacco, etc 29 209 28 903 7 170 7 296 7 390 7 323 7 414 7 243 7 223 6 961
Clothing and footwear 42 712 48 207 9 933 10 497 10 978 11 156 11 733 11 862 12 061 12 326
Housing, water, electricity, fuels 137 571 140 829 33 917 34 518 34 701 34 592 34 791 35 126 35 482 35 479
Furnishings, household equipment 42 831 45 371 10 352 10 708 10 814 10 906 11 118 11 251 11 349 11 457
Health 19 636 20 295 4 836 4 929 4 928 4 932 4 994 5 073 5 076 5 112
Transport 95 099 101 480 23 403 23 625 23 816 24 247 24 976 24 637 24 952 27 013
Communication 20 179 22 968 4 957 4 735 5 061 5 377 5 600 5 670 5 953 5 718
Recreation and culture 87 845 92 523 21 062 21 943 22 395 22 207 22 444 23 117 23 196 23 390
Education 3 835 3 894 957 951 956 970 973 967 972 981
Restaurants and hotels 39 338 39 186 9 881 9 817 9 772 9 876 9 894 9 731 9 560 9 764
Miscellaneous goods and services 48 203 49 031 11 717 12 004 12 120 12 346 12 148 12 247 12 229 12 345
Direct purchases abroad by resident households 29 451 33 041 7 328 7 137 7 437 7 524 8 094 8 153 8 180 8 667
Direct purchases in Norway by non-resident househo -18 507 -20 105 -4 421 -4 601 -4 692 -4 760 -4 989 -5 094 -4 926 -5 123
Goods 1 370 473 389 085 89 774 92 555 93 770 94 109 96 256 96 213 96 937 98 632
Services 1 289 095 296 712 71 453 71 930 72 496 73 146 73 506 73 758 74 297 74 878
Dwellings 110 453 113 492 27 343 27 522 27 693 27 888 28 055 28 264 28 470 28 698
Other services 178 642 183 220 44 110 44 408 44 803 45 258 45 452 45 494 45 827 46 180