Statistics Norway - home page

29 Final consumption expenditure of households. At constant 2002-prices. Million kroner
  2003 2004 03:3 03:4 04:1 04:2 04:3 04:4 05:1 05:2
Final consumption expenditure of households 670 511 699 551 171 307 179 537 164 207 170 871 177 480 186 992 165 294 178 430
Food and non-alcoholic beverages 93 110 93 110 23 371 24 901 22 098 23 211 23 256 24 546 21 467 23 045
Alcoholic beverages and tobacco, etc 29 209 28 960 7 425 7 895 6 684 7 416 7 253 7 607 6 460 7 317
Clothing and footwear 42 712 48 207 10 866 12 960 10 367 11 543 11 986 14 310 10 727 13 529
Housing, water, electricity, fuels 137 571 141 243 32 771 35 678 36 424 34 326 33 665 36 829 37 329 35 673
Furnishings, household equipment 42 831 45 371 10 762 12 750 10 427 10 273 11 298 13 373 10 419 11 052
Health 19 636 20 319 4 874 5 208 4 789 5 111 5 021 5 398 4 864 5 321
Transport 95 099 101 485 24 752 23 826 23 608 25 813 25 704 26 360 22 569 26 400
Communication 20 179 22 946 5 044 5 551 5 523 5 547 5 943 5 932 6 069 5 774
Recreation and culture 87 845 92 526 23 411 24 390 20 550 21 983 24 345 25 647 21 179 22 827
Education 3 835 3 901 942 973 988 959 956 997 1 028 999
Restaurants and hotels 39 338 38 995 10 726 9 918 8 680 9 974 10 691 9 649 8 448 9 880
Miscellaneous goods and services 48 203 49 554 11 886 12 971 11 857 12 419 12 104 13 174 11 795 12 746
Direct purchases abroad by resident households 29 451 33 041 10 358 6 480 6 313 7 883 11 393 7 452 7 162 9 523
Direct purchases in Norway by non-resident househo -18 507 -20 107 -5 881 -3 963 -4 102 -5 588 -6 135 -4 282 -4 223 -5 654
Goods 1 370 473 389 670 92 660 104 193 90 419 94 050 95 903 109 299 89 431 98 188
Services 1 289 095 296 947 74 170 72 827 71 577 74 527 76 320 74 523 72 923 76 374
Dwellings 110 453 113 378 27 651 27 882 28 083 28 223 28 398 28 675 28 917 29 127
Other services 178 642 183 568 46 519 44 946 43 495 46 303 47 922 45 848 44 006 47 247