Statistics Norway - home page

32 Final consumption of households. Seasonally adjusted. At constant 2003-prices. Million kroner
  2003 2004 03:4 04:1 04:2 04:3 04:4 05:1 05:2 05:3
Final consumption expenditure of households 690 353 722 765 174 880 179 079 178 866 180 134 183 405 183 860 186 869 188 603
Food and non-alcoholic beverages 96 990 96 959 24 322 24 729 23 933 24 099 23 954 23 997 24 036 24 125
Alcoholic beverages and tobacco, etc 30 223 29 892 7 543 7 638 7 486 7 452 7 252 7 467 7 509 7 633
Clothing and footwear 38 021 43 670 9 966 10 622 10 705 10 917 11 210 11 705 12 466 12 197
Housing, water, electricity, fuels 145 419 149 473 36 607 37 031 37 217 37 571 37 665 38 171 38 527 38 998
Furnishings, household equipment 42 767 45 717 10 896 11 280 11 299 11 388 11 543 11 727 12 127 12 144
Health 20 291 20 978 5 091 5 178 5 236 5 246 5 277 5 311 5 373 5 363
Transport 95 578 103 217 24 271 25 504 25 005 25 299 27 470 24 965 25 782 25 857
Communication 19 673 22 037 5 228 5 352 5 418 5 689 5 557 5 850 5 789 5 886
Recreation and culture 89 930 95 000 22 551 23 101 23 812 23 767 23 953 24 312 24 444 24 737
Education 3 678 3 646 925 908 906 911 921 933 934 940
Restaurants and hotels 41 003 40 684 10 318 10 257 10 159 10 011 10 103 10 313 10 396 10 485
Miscellaneous goods and services 53 509 55 957 13 749 13 807 13 970 13 935 14 155 14 194 14 226 14 477
Direct purchases abroad by resident households 32 046 35 984 8 244 8 724 8 857 8 920 9 554 10 109 10 442 10 869
Direct purchases in Norway by non-resident househo -18 775 -20 451 -4 828 -5 052 -5 137 -5 071 -5 207 -5 194 -5 182 -5 107
Goods 1 373 918 394 044 94 805 97 975 97 308 97 883 99 753 99 475 101 516 101 917
Services 1 303 164 313 188 76 661 77 433 77 838 78 402 79 305 79 470 80 093 80 924
Dwellings 112 397 115 494 28 343 28 581 28 760 28 963 29 192 29 431 29 638 29 905
Other services 190 767 197 694 48 318 48 852 49 078 49 439 50 113 50 038 50 455 51 019