Statistics Norway - home page

34 Gross fixed capital formation by type of capital goods and by industry. At current prices. Million kroner
  2003 2004 03:4 04:1 04:2 04:3 04:4 05:1 05:2 05:3
Gross fixed capital formation 276 609 310 568 69 379 68 008 73 811 77 346 91 403 79 334 88 213 83 690
Building and construction 138 361 157 345 36 588 35 283 37 968 39 105 44 989 40 306 42 470 41 404
Oil exploraion, drilling, pipelines for oil and ga 28 355 31 937 6 707 7 028 7 847 7 674 9 389 9 420 12 060 11 545
Oil platforms etc 22 790 24 399 3 564 4 937 5 842 6 580 7 039 5 298 6 288 6 514
Ships and boats 10 894 13 742 775 2 393 1 666 3 028 6 655 5 072 5 688 2 969
Other transport equipment 7 434 9 938 2 187 1 777 2 472 2 399 3 289 2 351 2 978 3 084
Machinery and equipment 68 775 73 208 19 558 16 590 18 016 18 560 20 041 16 887 18 730 18 175
Agriculture, hunting and forestry 5 173 5 435 1 250 946 1 630 1 534 1 326 1 101 1 756 1 818
Fishing and fish farming 1 084 1 243 343 279 333 397 234 279 313 266
Oil and gas extraction including services 61 084 66 021 14 046 14 413 16 151 16 530 18 927 16 782 19 787 18 901
Oil and gas extraction 60 701 65 138 15 380 14 378 16 048 16 488 18 224 16 670 19 717 18 839
Service activities incidental to oil and gas 383 883 -1 334 35 103 42 703 112 70 62
Mining and quarrying 621 917 178 236 158 173 350 219 353 277
Manufacturing 17 609 19 026 5 163 3 800 4 753 4 930 5 542 3 807 5 003 4 859
Food products, beverages and tobacco 4 092 4 239 1 132 893 1 165 1 110 1 071 895 1 274 963
Textiles,wearing apparel, leather 195 88 25 21 12 27 27 49 33 29
Wood and wood products 977 904 227 139 222 241 303 226 202 345
Pulp, paper and paper products 282 328 92 53 81 78 116 49 79 81
Publishing, printing, reproduction 1 039 1 478 271 326 363 280 508 423 360 457
Refined petroleum, chemical and mineral products 1 892 2 015 541 391 525 506 592 317 493 518
Basic chemicals 1 484 2 369 510 266 547 826 731 662 907 743
Basic metals 3 392 2 753 1 163 643 742 659 708 279 435 448
Machinery and other equipment n.e.c 2 850 3 767 895 912 879 927 1 049 490 906 963
Building of ships, oil platforms and moduls 594 166 80 14 39 29 83 35 43 52
Furniture and other manufacturing n.e.c 812 920 228 141 178 247 354 382 270 260
Electricity and gas supply 7 090 8 659 2 459 1 536 2 130 2 176 2 817 1 358 2 252 2 222
Water supply 1 359 2 022 405 470 444 552 556 478 527 602
Construction 5 631 6 079 1 419 1 457 1 562 1 457 1 602 1 659 1 829 1 715
Wholesale and retail trade, repair of motor vehicl 14 451 14 649 4 162 3 488 3 525 3 534 4 101 3 870 3 839 3 946
Hotels and restaurants 1 813 1 617 485 390 401 401 425 437 525 596
Transport via pipelines 2 896 6 146 417 822 1 489 1 829 2 006 1 856 3 130 2 997
Ocean transport 8 753 11 293 431 1 903 1 293 2 403 5 694 4 303 4 828 2 433
Other transport industries 7 999 10 488 2 114 1 856 2 166 2 809 3 657 2 478 2 773 3 262
Post and telecommunications 5 461 6 434 1 274 1 887 1 355 1 862 1 330 2 065 1 720 1 428
Financial intermediation 2 211 2 406 573 601 612 593 601 609 620 618
Dwellings (households) 57 625 67 039 14 803 15 740 16 333 16 620 18 345 19 667 19 041 17 884
Business services 22 714 26 191 5 373 6 448 6 353 6 252 7 138 6 882 6 814 6 772
Public administration and defence 18 835 20 105 5 184 4 603 4 603 5 173 5 726 4 565 4 969 5 247
Education 10 569 9 897 2 606 2 094 2 328 2 410 3 065 2 038 2 198 2 234
Health and social work 14 038 14 550 4 028 2 725 3 641 3 214 4 969 2 615 3 463 3 110
Other social and personal services 9 593 10 351 2 665 2 316 2 550 2 496 2 990 2 266 2 473 2 507
Mainland Norway 203 876 227 108 54 485 50 871 54 878 56 584 64 775 56 394 60 468 59 359
General government 47 525 49 986 13 211 10 456 11 694 12 358 15 478 10 027 11 686 11 895
Central government 20 183 22 700 5 644 5 075 5 741 5 354 6 530 4 898 6 022 5 632
Civilian central government 18 040 20 843 5 131 4 580 5 238 4 926 6 099 4 563 5 552 5 303
Defence 2 143 1 857 513 495 503 428 431 335 470 329
Local government 27 342 27 286 7 567 5 381 5 953 7 004 8 948 5 129 5 664 6 263