Statistics Norway - home page

38 Exports of goods and services. At current prices. Million kroner
  2003 2004 03:4 04:1 04:2 04:3 04:4 05:1 05:2 05:3
Total exports 637 373 730 875 171 908 176 526 176 467 182 826 195 056 196 397 205 127 218 605
Goods 483 396 555 148 131 373 135 167 132 904 138 297 148 780 150 776 159 004 169 891
Crude oil and natural gas1 280 800 335 932 73 429 80 638 79 838 85 453 90 003 95 319 101 564 111 886
Ships, new 5 147 2 459 1 535 630 793 477 559 129 551 1 061
Ships, second-hand 5 244 4 322 2 182 1 462 1 768 870 222 495 119 940
Oil platforms and modules, new 347 500 96 11 451 33 5 1 910 54
Oil platforms, second-hand 3 305 177 3 242 27 46 44 60 35 34 22
Direct exports in relation to petroleum activiti 116 75 27 35 13 15 12 24 17 22
Aircraft and helicopters 1 328 1 875 191 636 461 364 414 0 3 -
Other goods 187 109 209 808 50 671 51 728 49 534 51 041 57 505 54 773 55 806 55 906
Agriculture, forestry and fishing 9 080 10 089 2 546 2 399 2 473 2 421 2 796 2 588 2 951 3 244
Mining and quarrying 3 545 4 365 1 034 642 777 1 584 1 362 685 857 1 458
Manufacturing products 172 864 194 423 46 676 48 444 46 081 46 716 53 182 50 589 51 257 50 440
Food products, beverages and tobacco 21 401 22 809 6 728 5 817 4 483 5 139 7 370 5 949 4 684 4 918
Textiles, wearing apparel, leather 2 213 2 217 577 541 527 545 604 525 567 536
Wood products 2 563 2 604 628 704 646 611 643 606 727 597
Pulp, paper and paper products 10 640 11 536 2 748 2 968 2 843 2 850 2 875 2 789 2 846 2 784
Printing and publishing 585 576 152 155 127 138 156 151 149 129
Refined petroleum products 13 658 15 650 3 510 4 178 2 977 3 957 4 538 3 472 4 539 6 491
Basic chemicals 17 217 19 259 4 459 4 829 4 539 4 820 5 071 5 204 5 032 4 842
Chemical and mineral products 12 781 14 413 3 250 3 429 3 845 3 580 3 559 3 629 4 046 3 611
Basic metals 37 853 48 839 9 906 12 003 11 925 11 765 13 146 13 517 13 241 11 929
Machinery and other equipment n.e.c 49 986 51 908 13 569 12 587 13 057 12 191 14 073 13 695 14 365 13 650
Furniture and other manufacturing products 3 967 4 612 1 149 1 233 1 112 1 120 1 147 1 052 1 061 953
Electricity 1 620 931 415 243 203 320 165 911 741 764
Other goods excluding refined petroleum products 173 451 194 158 47 161 47 550 46 557 47 084 52 967 51 301 51 267 49 415
Services 153 977 175 727 40 535 41 359 43 563 44 529 46 276 45 621 46 123 48 714
Gross receipts, shipping 67 080 78 972 17 480 18 982 19 423 19 542 21 025 21 604 20 066 19 719
Petroleum activities, various services 382 950 96 250 235 216 249 236 225 224
Oil drilling etc 6 224 8 905 2 143 1 912 1 942 2 762 2 289 2 548 3 358 3 617
Pipeline transport 9 091 8 956 2 477 2 290 2 019 1 678 2 969 2 980 2 714 2 849
Travel 18 775 20 809 4 025 4 208 5 791 6 346 4 464 4 418 6 009 6 530
Other services 52 425 57 135 14 314 13 717 14 153 13 985 15 280 13 835 13 751 15 775
Transport, post and telecommunication 11 272 12 212 3 089 2 786 3 026 3 093 3 307 2 484 2 901 3 204
Financial and business services 32 252 35 973 8 766 8 745 8 959 8 716 9 553 8 942 8 473 9 896
Services n.e.c 8 901 8 950 2 459 2 186 2 168 2 176 2 420 2 409 2 377 2 675