Statistics Norway - home page

28 Final consumption expenditure of households. At current prices. Million kroner
  2004 2005 04:1 04:2 04:3 04:4 05:1 05:2 05:3 05:4
Final consumption expenditure of households 728 941 764 099 171 362 177 714 184 793 195 072 174 978 188 181 197 674 203 267
Food and non-alcoholic beverages 98 740 100 139 23 346 24 712 24 710 25 972 23 210 25 151 25 489 26 289
Alcoholic beverages and tobacco, etc 32 184 33 070 7 499 8 170 8 023 8 492 7 498 8 351 8 422 8 799
Clothing and footwear 40 825 43 196 8 564 9 989 9 865 12 407 8 707 11 010 10 649 12 831
Housing, water, electricity, fuels 148 492 155 448 38 955 35 578 35 132 38 827 39 750 37 592 37 158 40 947
Furnishings, household equipment 45 361 47 590 10 424 10 317 11 255 13 366 10 555 11 084 12 021 13 930
Health 21 808 22 748 5 101 5 454 5 431 5 822 5 297 5 735 5 684 6 032
Transport 105 457 109 829 24 078 26 740 26 950 27 689 24 122 28 881 28 930 27 896
Communication 20 750 21 716 5 132 5 008 5 188 5 423 5 269 5 285 5 530 5 633
Recreation and culture 94 983 98 842 21 184 22 567 24 985 26 246 21 965 23 434 26 201 27 242
Education 3 814 4 003 959 937 939 979 1 004 980 984 1 035
Restaurants and hotels 41 563 43 709 9 186 10 666 11 299 10 412 9 264 11 093 12 131 11 221
Miscellaneous goods and services 57 195 60 387 13 599 14 288 14 026 15 282 14 039 15 193 14 964 16 191
Direct purchases abroad by resident households 38 577 45 590 7 543 9 081 13 334 8 620 8 715 10 506 16 161 10 207
Direct purchases in Norway by non-resident househo -20 809 -22 168 -4 208 -5 791 -6 346 -4 464 -4 418 -6 113 -6 650 -4 987
Goods 1 391 824 402 938 91 683 94 636 95 842 109 663 90 844 99 237 101 079 111 778
Services 1 319 348 337 740 76 344 79 789 81 962 81 253 79 837 84 551 87 084 86 269
Dwellings 117 658 124 010 28 972 29 260 29 507 29 920 30 404 30 818 31 159 31 629
Other services 201 690 213 730 47 372 50 530 52 455 51 333 49 434 53 733 55 924 54 639