Statistics Norway - home page

32 Final consumption of households. Seasonally adjusted. At constant 2003-prices. Million kroner
  2004 2005 04:1 04:2 04:3 04:4 05:1 05:2 05:3 05:4
Final consumption expenditure of households 722 765 749 069 179 110 178 867 180 098 183 310 183 855 187 139 189 077 188 871
Food and non-alcoholic beverages 96 959 96 797 24 716 23 922 24 094 23 992 24 206 24 267 24 354 23 954
Alcoholic beverages and tobacco, etc 29 892 30 042 7 630 7 467 7 417 7 318 7 454 7 485 7 595 7 495
Clothing and footwear 43 670 48 375 10 619 10 696 10 893 11 244 11 701 12 450 12 163 12 046
Housing, water, electricity, fuels 149 473 154 443 37 055 37 162 37 535 37 718 38 153 38 548 39 083 38 890
Furnishings, household equipment 45 717 48 019 11 276 11 286 11 379 11 565 11 719 12 109 12 130 12 035
Health 20 978 21 293 5 181 5 237 5 245 5 273 5 282 5 344 5 331 5 341
Transport 103 217 103 044 25 557 25 040 25 362 27 212 25 073 25 875 25 924 26 217
Communication 22 037 23 377 5 362 5 424 5 657 5 571 5 868 5 771 5 902 5 827
Recreation and culture 95 000 98 581 23 069 23 821 23 774 23 993 24 105 24 562 24 854 24 865
Education 3 646 3 767 913 908 910 914 942 940 941 944
Restaurants and hotels 40 684 42 116 10 260 10 197 9 989 10 086 10 308 10 406 10 635 10 763
Miscellaneous goods and services 55 957 57 440 13 816 13 977 13 977 14 105 14 148 14 191 14 471 14 630
Direct purchases abroad by resident households 35 984 43 031 8 724 8 867 8 945 9 491 10 112 10 460 10 909 11 475
Direct purchases in Norway by non-resident househo -20 451 -21 257 -5 067 -5 136 -5 080 -5 173 -5 216 -5 270 -5 215 -5 611
Goods 1 394 044 404 606 97 950 97 250 97 778 99 865 99 517 101 787 102 244 101 129
Services 1 313 188 322 689 77 503 77 886 78 455 79 127 79 442 80 162 81 139 81 878
Dwellings 115 494 119 280 28 612 28 727 28 967 29 189 29 425 29 695 29 940 30 221
Other services 197 694 203 408 48 891 49 159 49 488 49 938 50 017 50 467 51 199 51 658