Statistics Norway - home page

32 Final consumption of households. Seasonally adjusted. At constant 2003-prices. Million kroner
  2004 2005 04:2 04:3 04:4 05:1 05:2 05:3 05:4 06:1
Final consumption expenditure of households 722 765 745 772 179 031 180 192 183 191 183 329 186 835 187 921 187 754 190 840
Food and non-alcoholic beverages 96 959 96 797 23 990 24 103 24 043 24 070 24 356 24 367 24 012 24 475
Alcoholic beverages and tobacco, etc 29 892 30 043 7 466 7 418 7 310 7 460 7 488 7 598 7 487 7 585
Clothing and footwear 43 670 48 375 10 720 10 895 11 228 11 700 12 483 12 163 12 034 12 614
Housing, water, electricity, fuels 149 473 154 362 37 192 37 560 37 744 38 077 38 561 39 090 38 894 39 730
Furnishings, household equipment 45 717 48 019 11 299 11 382 11 573 11 681 12 137 12 132 12 048 12 569
Health 20 978 21 290 5 242 5 244 5 264 5 284 5 351 5 328 5 330 5 329
Transport 103 217 102 650 25 051 25 358 27 146 25 102 25 837 25 758 25 993 25 377
Communication 22 037 23 293 5 440 5 672 5 521 5 857 5 752 5 823 5 854 5 732
Recreation and culture 95 000 98 583 23 834 23 750 23 999 24 109 24 579 24 840 24 861 25 190
Education 3 646 3 750 906 910 922 931 933 938 949 962
Restaurants and hotels 40 684 42 246 10 206 10 000 10 053 10 332 10 417 10 657 10 818 10 859
Miscellaneous goods and services 55 957 57 574 13 983 13 972 14 073 14 228 14 257 14 499 14 584 14 676
Direct purchases abroad by resident households 35 984 40 047 8 831 9 002 9 488 9 742 9 939 9 939 10 493 10 803
Direct purchases in Norway by non-resident househo -20 451 -21 257 -5 127 -5 075 -5 172 -5 242 -5 256 -5 212 -5 604 -5 060
Goods 1 394 044 404 607 97 401 97 815 99 864 99 316 102 016 102 285 101 138 103 230
Services 1 313 188 322 375 77 927 78 450 79 012 79 514 80 135 80 909 81 727 81 868
Dwellings 115 494 119 200 28 744 28 963 29 192 29 395 29 696 29 907 30 200 30 509
Other services 197 694 203 175 49 183 49 487 49 820 50 119 50 439 51 001 51 527 51 359