Statistics Norway - home page

29 Final consumption expenditure of households. At constant 2003-prices. Million kroner
  2004 2005 04:3 04:4 05:1 05:2 05:3 05:4 06:1 06:2
Final consumption expenditure of households 722 765 745 772 182 873 193 209 173 116 183 548 191 056 198 052 181 323 189 088
Food and non-alcoholic beverages 96 959 96 797 24 217 25 561 22 578 24 237 24 498 25 484 22 845 24 927
Alcoholic beverages and tobacco, etc 29 892 30 043 7 453 7 908 6 747 7 581 7 666 8 049 6 799 7 997
Clothing and footwear 43 670 48 375 10 860 12 956 10 080 12 268 12 149 13 879 11 000 12 362
Housing, water, electricity, fuels 149 473 154 362 35 084 39 102 40 387 37 273 36 471 40 231 42 526 38 457
Furnishings, household equipment 45 717 48 019 11 384 13 491 10 707 11 132 12 146 14 033 11 569 11 516
Health 20 978 21 290 5 185 5 565 5 000 5 403 5 269 5 618 5 042 5 428
Transport 103 217 102 650 26 175 26 913 23 069 27 064 26 643 25 874 23 631 26 887
Communication 22 037 23 293 5 669 5 712 5 790 5 598 5 838 6 068 5 891 5 714
Recreation and culture 95 000 98 583 25 006 26 329 21 825 23 239 26 157 27 362 22 856 24 433
Education 3 646 3 750 895 930 947 923 922 957 977 949
Restaurants and hotels 40 684 42 246 11 103 10 113 8 938 10 669 11 797 10 843 9 471 11 226
Miscellaneous goods and services 55 957 57 574 13 673 14 845 13 467 14 500 14 248 15 359 14 225 14 907
Direct purchases abroad by resident households 35 984 40 047 12 403 8 143 7 878 9 515 13 613 9 040 8 629 10 374
Direct purchases in Norway by non-resident househo -20 451 -21 257 -6 235 -4 359 -4 295 -5 855 -6 361 -4 745 -4 139 -6 087
Goods 1 394 044 404 607 96 366 110 370 92 634 99 100 100 879 111 994 96 991 101 040
Services 1 313 188 322 375 80 339 79 055 76 899 80 789 82 924 81 763 79 842 83 761
Dwellings 115 494 119 200 28 926 29 211 29 448 29 659 29 870 30 222 30 575 30 812
Other services 197 694 203 175 51 412 49 844 47 451 51 129 53 054 51 541 49 267 52 949