Statistics Norway - home page

35 Gross fixed capital formation by type of capital goods and by industry. At constant 2003-prices. Million kroner
  2004 2005 04:3 04:4 05:1 05:2 05:3 05:4 06:1 06:2
Gross fixed capital formation 298 950 331 663 74 157 86 818 75 708 80 393 80 557 95 005 81 522 87 677
Building and construction 151 883 166 194 37 521 42 996 38 774 40 944 40 120 46 357 42 263 42 716
Oil exploraion, drilling, pipelines for oil and ga 30 711 40 738 7 233 8 952 8 287 10 410 10 118 11 922 8 074 9 346
Oil platforms etc 23 269 21 309 6 201 6 634 4 966 2 951 6 699 6 693 4 750 6 435
Ships and boats 11 852 17 525 2 652 5 307 4 604 4 719 2 178 6 023 6 046 7 469
Other transport equipment 8 812 10 443 2 178 2 992 2 026 2 409 2 766 3 241 2 311 2 518
Machinery and equipment 72 423 75 453 18 372 19 936 17 051 18 959 18 675 20 769 18 076 19 193
Agriculture, hunting and forestry 5 313 6 237 1 493 1 301 1 143 1 812 1 881 1 401 1 033 1 600
Fishing and fish farming 1 207 1 301 377 225 304 315 336 346 313 315
Oil and gas extraction including services 63 729 68 895 15 751 18 117 15 337 14 943 17 861 20 753 16 205 19 001
Oil and gas extraction 62 889 70 530 15 711 17 451 15 232 17 733 16 874 20 691 16 201 18 987
Service activities incidental to oil and gas 840 -1 635 40 667 105 -2 790 988 62 4 14
Mining and quarrying 892 1 068 168 340 208 334 264 261 75 171
Manufacturing 18 670 21 151 4 835 5 447 3 719 4 898 4 922 7 612 4 277 5 229
Food products, beverages and tobacco 4 150 4 527 1 087 1 051 873 1 243 953 1 460 1 065 1 422
Textiles,wearing apparel, leather 85 159 26 27 46 32 28 52 60 53
Wood and wood products 887 1 124 236 297 221 200 341 362 161 203
Pulp, paper and paper products 317 299 75 112 47 75 77 100 81 83
Publishing, printing, reproduction 1 455 1 771 275 502 417 356 458 540 404 310
Refined petroleum, chemical and mineral products 1 969 2 077 494 577 307 473 500 797 459 756
Basic chemicals 2 333 3 730 815 719 653 889 733 1 455 416 544
Basic metals 2 705 2 230 645 702 272 430 563 965 524 597
Machinery and other equipment n.e.c 3 709 3 738 914 1 035 481 894 962 1 401 862 981
Building of ships, oil platforms and moduls 164 294 28 82 35 44 53 162 86 91
Furniture and other manufacturing n.e.c 894 1 203 239 345 369 262 253 319 158 187
Electricity and gas supply 8 461 7 868 2 122 2 755 1 310 2 192 2 170 2 196 1 600 2 271
Water supply 1 953 2 016 530 534 436 475 539 567 489 570
Construction 5 873 6 604 1 410 1 550 1 590 1 746 1 662 1 605 1 854 1 640
Wholesale and retail trade, repair of motor vehicl 14 254 15 614 3 446 4 006 3 771 3 757 3 933 4 153 4 086 3 946
Hotels and restaurants 1 571 2 084 390 411 433 522 596 534 511 608
Transport via pipelines 5 678 8 751 1 678 1 832 1 651 2 748 2 608 1 743 675 1 136
Ocean transport 9 775 14 821 2 111 4 627 3 908 4 010 1 730 5 173 5 201 3 606
Other transport industries 9 716 11 100 2 653 3 258 2 287 2 342 2 934 3 537 2 544 2 646
Post and telecommunications 6 352 6 400 1 841 1 320 2 041 1 715 1 438 1 207 2 008 1 315
Financial intermediation 2 333 2 466 575 582 594 612 618 642 673 678
Dwellings (households) 64 738 74 153 15 951 17 535 18 917 18 462 17 622 19 152 20 553 19 502
Business services 25 208 27 771 5 994 6 816 6 719 6 735 6 757 7 560 7 479 7 198
Public administration and defence 19 468 20 465 4 981 5 529 4 452 4 821 5 059 6 133 4 758 8 155
Education 9 607 9 841 2 329 2 956 2 131 2 298 2 312 3 100 2 212 2 980
Health and social work 14 140 13 236 3 116 4 804 2 500 3 291 2 890 4 555 2 595 2 761
Other social and personal services 10 011 9 821 2 408 2 874 2 255 2 366 2 425 2 774 2 379 2 348
Mainland Norway 219 768 239 196 54 617 62 242 54 812 58 691 58 357 67 337 59 440 63 933
General government 48 439 48 046 11 916 14 925 9 934 11 364 11 466 15 282 10 410 14 848
Central government 22 030 23 253 5 165 6 325 4 849 5 891 5 493 7 021 5 367 8 870
Civilian central government 20 218 21 730 4 746 5 904 4 525 5 432 5 169 6 605 5 173 5 466
Defence 1 812 1 524 419 421 324 459 325 416 194 3 404
Local government 26 409 24 793 6 751 8 600 5 086 5 474 5 973 8 261 5 043 5 979