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Quarterly national accounts, 2nd quarter 2007
32 Final consumption of households. Seasonally adjusted. At constant 2004-prices. Million kroner
  2005 2006 05:3 05:4 06:1 06:2 06:3 06:4 07:1 07:2
Final consumption expenditure of households 778 529 811 960 196 215 196 006 199 487 202 071 204 206 206 312 212 739 214 735
Food and non-alcoholic beverages 100 316 102 433 25 163 25 069 25 442 25 535 25 913 25 764 26 251 26 568
Alcoholic beverages and tobacco, etc 31 627 32 428 8 003 7 888 7 963 8 074 8 124 8 263 8 363 8 397
Clothing and footwear 44 650 48 348 11 190 11 129 11 684 11 810 12 185 12 646 13 636 13 548
Housing, water, electricity, fuels 154 405 156 562 39 116 38 754 39 255 39 168 39 034 38 996 39 290 39 678
Furnishings, household equipment 46 873 50 129 11 842 11 792 12 327 12 401 12 616 12 834 13 139 13 332
Health 21 975 22 427 5 491 5 516 5 539 5 626 5 630 5 657 5 782 5 821
Transport 107 444 109 739 26 866 27 275 26 750 27 225 27 482 28 512 30 036 28 812
Communication 25 170 25 944 6 257 6 334 6 291 6 494 6 598 6 591 6 476 6 800
Recreation and culture 99 421 105 607 25 203 25 018 25 543 26 159 26 673 27 081 27 765 28 858
Education 4 143 4 371 1 037 1 047 1 086 1 088 1 094 1 104 1 115 1 119
Restaurants and hotels 42 992 45 209 10 836 11 056 11 044 11 244 11 263 11 635 12 001 11 873
Miscellaneous goods and services 74 906 79 672 18 851 19 026 19 530 19 868 20 041 20 305 20 906 21 299
Direct purchases abroad by resident households 46 583 51 958 11 775 11 709 12 404 13 020 13 229 13 067 13 689 14 504
Direct purchases in Norway by non-resident househo -21 974 -22 866 -5 416 -5 606 -5 373 -5 642 -5 675 -6 143 -5 711 -5 874
Goods 1 404 922 421 609 102 286 101 513 103 664 104 509 106 044 107 805 112 143 112 570
Services 1 348 998 361 259 87 569 88 390 88 792 90 184 90 608 91 583 92 617 93 535
Dwellings 123 028 124 763 30 855 30 950 30 975 31 143 31 275 31 356 31 475 31 627
Other services 225 970 236 497 56 714 57 441 57 817 59 041 59 333 60 228 61 142 61 908