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Quarterly national accounts, 3. quarter 2007
29 Final consumption expenditure of households. At constant 2005-prices. Million kroner
  2005 2006 05:4 06:1 06:2 06:3 06:4 07:1 07:2 07:3
Final consumption expenditure of households 792 530 824 806 207 960 190 465 202 399 214 185 217 756 204 647 217 225 228 200
Food and non-alcoholic beverages 103 588 107 522 27 261 24 849 27 111 27 409 28 152 26 418 28 122 27 800
Alcoholic beverages and tobacco, etc 32 460 33 208 8 592 7 395 8 550 8 285 8 979 7 840 8 748 8 455
Clothing and footwear 42 874 46 416 12 376 9 582 11 136 11 819 13 879 11 279 12 826 13 517
Housing, water, electricity, fuels 156 309 158 493 40 421 41 858 38 471 37 501 40 664 41 739 39 002 38 492
Furnishings, household equipment 47 404 50 663 13 873 11 342 11 553 12 835 14 933 12 191 12 410 13 437
Health 23 041 23 264 6 081 5 480 5 881 5 772 6 131 5 794 6 128 5 986
Transport 113 751 114 716 28 586 26 170 29 695 29 804 29 047 29 550 31 493 31 884
Communication 24 817 26 837 6 453 6 264 6 213 6 754 7 606 6 785 6 827 7 088
Recreation and culture 98 682 104 614 27 238 22 941 24 662 27 666 29 346 25 019 27 136 30 288
Education 4 423 4 373 1 151 1 170 1 040 996 1 166 1 209 1 107 1 049
Restaurants and hotels 43 497 45 746 11 174 9 668 11 600 12 691 11 787 10 812 13 148 14 195
Miscellaneous goods and services 77 762 81 659 20 739 19 303 20 328 20 333 21 694 20 938 21 968 21 734
Direct purchases abroad by resident households 46 438 50 724 9 054 8 846 12 600 19 320 9 959 9 710 15 028 21 656
Direct purchases in Norway by non-resident househo -22 516 -23 430 -5 040 -4 403 -6 440 -7 000 -5 586 -4 638 -6 717 -7 381
Goods 1 412 047 429 251 113 425 98 443 104 243 107 252 119 314 107 335 111 969 114 512
Services 1 356 561 368 261 90 520 87 580 91 997 94 614 94 070 92 240 96 946 99 412
Dwellings 125 324 126 973 31 618 31 372 31 662 31 953 31 986 31 859 32 136 32 433
Other services 231 237 241 287 58 902 56 208 60 335 62 661 62 084 60 381 64 811 66 980