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Quarterly national accounts, 3. quarter 2007
39 Exports of goods and services. At constant 2005-prices. Million kroner
  2005 2006 05:4 06:1 06:2 06:3 06:4 07:1 07:2 07:3
Total exports 868 352 872 977 222 478 221 749 214 871 208 508 227 850 228 157 217 977 216 996
Goods 668 415 655 866 171 277 171 400 159 004 154 812 170 650 172 479 160 263 158 806
Crude oil and natural gas 427 927 399 603 108 148 107 844 97 523 93 680 100 556 105 355 93 840 92 273
Ships, new 2 736 6 319 593 1 429 858 2 218 1 813 275 1 294 676
Ships, second-hand 4 041 3 152 273 765 440 109 1 837 1 227 1 200 2 500
Oil platforms and modules, new 965 724 71 184 189 152 199 373 1 216 167
Oil platforms, second-hand 2 973 1 530 27 884 12 633 1 4 11 4
Direct exports in relation to petroleum activiti 93 26 29 14 11 0 1 1 1 -
Aircraft and helicopters 298 896 101 16 335 252 293 25 3 41
Other goods 229 382 243 615 62 036 60 263 59 636 57 767 65 949 65 218 62 697 63 145
Agriculture, forestry and fishing 12 656 13 335 3 797 3 028 3 002 3 002 4 303 3 792 3 833 3 906
Mining and quarrying 3 939 4 575 941 760 766 1 642 1 407 923 760 2 201
Manufacturing products 209 093 223 600 56 149 55 586 55 518 52 524 59 972 59 947 57 300 55 405
Food products, beverages and tobacco 23 522 23 083 7 609 6 170 4 660 4 665 7 588 6 535 4 829 4 756
Textiles, wearing apparel, leather 2 234 2 324 598 605 582 520 617 667 667 573
Wood products 2 594 2 729 671 708 684 627 710 761 625 541
Pulp, paper and paper products 11 270 10 898 2 878 2 870 2 701 2 671 2 656 2 641 2 606 2 589
Printing and publishing 544 409 126 100 96 99 114 102 87 98
Refined petroleum products 21 018 24 799 6 142 6 289 6 969 5 770 5 771 5 858 5 592 5 377
Basic chemicals 19 834 20 782 4 698 5 133 5 465 5 107 5 077 4 905 4 487 4 531
Chemical and mineral products 15 486 16 600 4 140 4 008 3 988 3 902 4 702 5 351 5 102 4 673
Basic metals 50 534 50 106 12 000 12 730 12 893 11 733 12 750 13 592 13 143 12 874
Machinery and other equipment n.e.c 57 812 67 261 16 099 15 823 16 390 16 389 18 659 18 279 19 018 18 371
Furniture and other manufacturing products 4 245 4 609 1 187 1 150 1 090 1 041 1 328 1 256 1 145 1 023
Electricity 3 694 2 105 1 149 889 350 599 267 555 805 1 634
Other goods excluding refined petroleum products 208 364 218 816 55 893 53 974 52 667 51 997 60 178 59 359 57 105 57 768
Services 199 937 217 112 51 200 50 349 55 868 53 696 57 199 55 678 57 715 58 190
Gross receipts, shipping 85 002 82 113 20 818 19 612 21 647 19 739 21 115 19 708 21 869 20 077
Petroleum activities, various services 375 344 94 92 84 84 85 130 118 112
Oil drilling etc 12 478 15 180 4 563 3 451 4 603 3 341 3 784 4 976 3 739 3 462
Pipeline transport 11 954 12 262 3 242 3 375 2 843 2 786 3 258 3 183 2 962 2 748
Travel 22 516 23 430 5 040 4 403 6 440 7 000 5 586 4 638 6 717 7 381
Other services 67 612 83 783 17 444 19 415 20 251 20 745 23 372 23 043 22 309 24 409
Transport, post and telecommunication 13 578 13 386 3 579 2 799 3 030 3 783 3 773 3 860 3 236 4 461
Financial and business services 40 812 54 074 10 768 13 177 13 261 13 406 14 229 13 529 14 181 14 601
Services n.e.c 13 222 16 323 3 096 3 439 3 960 3 556 5 369 5 654 4 892 5 347