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Quarterly national accounts, 4. quarter 2007
28 Final consumption expenditure of households. At current prices. Million kroner
  2006 2007 06:1 06:2 06:3 06:4 07:1 07:2 07:3 07:4
Final consumption expenditure of households 846 292 906 134 193 388 208 636 219 045 225 222 209 137 222 954 232 477 241 566
Food and non-alcoholic beverages 108 990 116 912 24 958 27 483 27 917 28 632 27 181 29 257 29 290 31 185
Alcoholic beverages and tobacco, etc 33 874 35 579 7 499 8 696 8 480 9 198 8 114 9 047 8 752 9 666
Clothing and footwear 44 739 48 638 9 117 10 975 10 938 13 709 10 129 12 009 11 913 14 587
Housing, water, electricity, fuels 168 194 167 674 43 625 40 591 39 718 44 259 43 171 39 858 39 704 44 941
Furnishings, household equipment 50 298 54 190 11 230 11 470 12 686 14 911 12 225 12 592 13 591 15 782
Health 24 288 25 910 5 705 6 107 6 042 6 434 6 140 6 506 6 425 6 838
Transport 120 859 133 731 27 165 31 300 31 752 30 642 31 413 33 921 34 566 33 832
Communication 26 074 26 319 6 223 6 217 6 432 7 204 6 156 6 338 6 443 7 382
Recreation and culture 104 539 114 314 22 887 24 780 27 697 29 175 25 103 27 286 30 299 31 625
Education 4 569 4 832 1 210 1 080 1 042 1 236 1 258 1 157 1 105 1 312
Restaurants and hotels 48 038 54 392 9 877 11 989 13 213 12 959 11 350 13 753 14 725 14 565
Miscellaneous goods and services 81 995 89 910 19 301 20 633 20 399 21 662 21 058 22 569 22 305 23 978
Direct purchases abroad by resident households 53 948 59 388 9 065 13 942 19 972 10 968 10 654 15 762 20 984 11 988
Direct purchases in Norway by non-resident househo -24 113 -25 654 -4 474 -6 628 -7 243 -5 768 -4 814 -7 100 -7 625 -6 115
Goods 1 437 901 467 449 99 559 106 672 109 144 122 526 107 921 113 251 115 316 130 962
Services 1 378 556 404 952 89 238 94 651 97 172 97 496 95 376 101 042 103 802 104 731
Dwellings 129 889 134 021 31 884 32 361 32 735 32 910 32 878 33 255 33 784 34 104
Other services 248 667 270 931 57 355 62 290 64 437 64 586 62 498 67 787 70 018 70 628