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Quarterly national accounts, 2. quarter 2009
1 Final expenditure and gross domestic product. At current prices. Million kroner
  2007 2008 07:4 08:1 08:2 08:3 08:4 09:1 09:2
Final consumption expenditure                  
of households and NPISHs1 941 592 991 420 250 839 232 479 247 552 252 366 259 023 235 425 251 046
Household final consumption expenditure 903 823 950 469 241 344 222 450 237 190 242 144 248 685 224 701 239 906
Goods 469 976 485 232 131 857 112 660 120 830 120 024 131 718 109 996 119 361
Services 402 596 426 489 103 627 100 588 106 940 109 405 109 557 106 120 111 945
Direct purchases abroad by resident households 57 354 65 435 12 103 14 502 17 070 20 320 13 544 13 166 15 263
Direct purchases by non-residents -26 103 -26 688 -6 243 -5 299 -7 650 -7 605 -6 134 -4 582 -6 663
Final consumption expenditure of NPISHs1 37 769 40 952 9 495 10 028 10 363 10 222 10 339 10 725 11 140
Final consumption expenditure of general governmen 447 090 490 219 115 723 116 906 123 516 122 134 127 663 133 566 131 130
Final consumption expenditure of central governm 232 820 252 858 59 068 60 340 63 159 64 318 65 041 68 088 68 059
Central government, civilian 201 689 219 283 51 073 52 407 54 793 55 945 56 138 58 675 58 601
Central government, defence 31 131 33 575 7 995 7 933 8 366 8 373 8 904 9 413 9 458
Final consumption expenditure of local governmen 214 270 237 361 56 655 56 566 60 358 57 816 62 621 65 478 63 071
Gross fixed capital formation 484 569 529 331 135 838 123 631 129 430 133 523 142 747 126 313 128 828
Extraction and transport via pipelines 107 913 122 237 29 132 26 343 29 526 32 542 33 826 34 135 34 228
Services activities incidential to extraction 1 011 53 49 102 81 -102 -28 -75 30
Ocean transport 21 397 27 253 4 078 6 496 6 103 6 976 7 677 4 899 5 403
Mainland Norway 354 248 379 788 102 579 90 690 93 720 94 107 101 272 87 354 89 167
Mainland Norway) excluding general government. 283 971 301 739 79 071 74 386 75 979 72 815 78 560 69 513 68 926
Industries 181 493 202 139 52 739 48 184 50 795 49 001 54 158 45 525 46 845
Manufacturing and mining 31 261 36 151 11 297 6 944 8 951 8 755 11 501 6 362 7 209
Production of other goods 30 192 34 374 8 349 7 278 9 379 8 839 8 877 6 696 8 789
Other services 120 041 131 614 33 094 33 962 32 466 31 407 33 780 32 467 30 847
Dwelling service (households) 102 478 99 601 26 332 26 201 25 183 23 814 24 402 23 988 22 081
General government 70 277 78 049 23 508 16 304 17 741 21 292 22 712 17 841 20 241
Changes in stocks and statistical discrepancies 40 631 44 339 16 314 14 551 13 164 9 350 7 274 14 498 -4 288
Gross capital formation 525 200 573 670 152 152 138 182 142 594 142 873 150 021 140 811 124 540
Final domestic use of goods and services 1 913 882 2 055 309 518 714 487 567 513 662 517 373 536 707 509 803 506 716
Final demand from Mainland Norway (excl. changes i 1 742 930 1 861 427 469 142 440 074 464 788 468 607 487 958 456 345 471 343
Final demand from general government 517 367 568 268 139 231 133 210 141 257 143 426 150 375 151 407 151 371
Total exports 1 042 254 1 225 751 287 693 299 262 316 663 304 116 305 710 259 487 236 612
Traditional goods 302 371 324 248 81 348 77 559 82 496 81 562 82 631 69 257 66 244
Crude oil and natural gas 479 948 620 514 137 284 156 088 162 914 149 776 151 736 127 050 103 819
Ships, oil platforms and aircraft 12 745 13 553 2 584 2 496 3 241 4 559 3 257 4 589 2 455
Services 247 190 267 436 66 477 63 119 68 012 68 219 68 086 58 591 64 093
Total use of goods and services 2 956 137 3 281 060 806 408 786 829 830 325 821 489 842 417 769 290 743 328
Total imports 679 026 732 738 180 265 171 639 185 243 190 592 185 264 154 213 159 023
Traditional goods 450 703 477 632 118 941 115 767 123 923 118 241 119 701 104 426 102 514
Crude oil and natural gas 5 758 4 048 1 941 716 1 007 898 1 427 486 634
Ships, oil platforms and aircraft 19 180 29 549 7 181 6 309 6 427 9 681 7 132 4 901 5 848
Services 203 385 221 509 52 202 48 847 53 886 61 772 57 004 44 400 50 027
Gross domestic product2 2 277 111 2 548 322 626 143 615 190 645 082 630 897 657 153 615 077 584 305
Gross domestic product Mainland Norway (market val 1 724 117 1 829 854 464 247 438 417 457 829 450 250 483 359 463 248 454 314
Petroleum activities and ocean transport 552 994 718 468 161 896 176 773 187 254 180 647 173 794 151 829 129 990
Mainland Norway (basic values) 1 465 456 1 578 331 395 516 375 634 393 211 386 077 423 409 401 953 392 527
Mainland Norway excluding general government 1 144 833 1 227 801 312 404 292 448 304 068 299 226 332 059 307 052 301 385
Manufacturing and mining 215 407 223 169 54 925 54 112 57 868 52 643 58 547 57 838 53 475
Production of other goods 172 753 196 836 49 348 49 098 42 323 50 624 54 791 50 081 40 123
Service activities 756 673 807 796 208 131 189 239 203 877 195 960 218 721 199 133 207 787
General government 320 623 350 529 83 112 83 186 89 143 86 850 91 351 94 901 91 142
Taxes and subsidies products 258 661 251 524 68 731 62 783 64 618 64 173 59 950 61 296 61 787